I'd ordered Orly Luxe from the Foil FX Collection, and finally opened the box from Trans Design only to find some nail art stuff I'd forgotten I'd ordered, so I thought I'd show you both today. Also, I got an email from Jessica at WowSoCool telling me she's now carrying those nail art decals I showed you two of not too long ago, so I have pics of those for you as well. I'll start with the mani and then so the nail art stuff in case you don't care about it.
My grand plan for today was to use all three Foil FX colors (gold, rose gold, and silver). I started by using Luxe and Shine, alternating nails, as a base, and was going to stamp Rage over it. That totally didn't work out - the rose gold didn't show up on the gold. Plan B was to stamp Shine over Luxe and Luxe over Shine, which also didn't work out. These are just too foily and metallic for o to show up on the other. On to the bailout plan: stamp in Black Konad Special Polish just to get the manicure over with. I'd lost patience and interest at that point. This is what I ended up with.
Orly Luxe and Orly Shine Nail Polish, Two Coats & Konad M73
I don't love it, but it will get me through the day... On to the fun stuff. I'll show you the water decals first. Trans Design has a bunch of cool nail art stuff. I also got striping tape, but who want to look at a roll of striping tape?
Flower Water Decal Packet from TD
Butterfly Water Decal Packet from TD
Hearts Water Decal Packet from TD
That's it for water decals. On to the Konad decals, which are way over the top. The looks like ornate Korean nail art, only requiring the effort of applying a decal. They're $3 at WowSoCool. That's a link to them, and they're really cool.
That's what I have for today, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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