Last night I did a fun Konadicure while playing with one of my new drugstore nail polishes, Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Purple Pulse. It's a great shade of purple, and took three coats. When applying it, I reminded myself to warn you about the brush - it looks just awful and unmanageable, but actually works quite well. It's not my favorite, but there are many worse to use (thought few less appealing to look at). This is Purple Pulse alone.
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Purple Pulse Nail Polish, Three Coats
The deep purple reminded me of the color of the amethysts in my favorite earrings. The earrings also have tsavorite garnets, so I thuoght I'd green this up a bit with the houndstooth pattern from Konad plate M63, using Green Konad Special Polish for the stamping. Bright green and deep purple are not an especially traditional pairing, but one I like.
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Purple Pulse Nail Polish, Three Coats, and Konad M63
That's what I thought would be my Nails of the Day today. Then I was surprised with a 3:00 a.m. call. Usually a call at that hour can only mean bad things, but this was something good - because of my name, the caller thought I was in the UK, which would have made it a reasonable hour to call. So I have good news in the works, and as soon as it's carved-in-stone final, I tell you about it.
So that means at 3:15 a.m. I was all revved up, so I did a mani for a reader which will be my NOTD. The all-time favorite of a reader who's been with me from the start was the cow mani. I was thinking my nails are a good length to reproduce it, but I made it the New & Improved Cow Mani - it glows in the dark.
I used one from the train case, OPI's Ghostess with the Mostess, for the glow in the dark white, but it's pretty sheer. Being revved up, I was going for speed with lots of layers, so I used the fastest drying everything: Nubar Foundation, two coats of OPI Alpine Snow Matte, waited about one minute, then two coats of OPI Ghostess with the Mostess, and a coat of Diamont to dry it. Since both the OPI matte and Ghostess dry really fast, I was able to stamp in about 10 minutes. I stamped the cow pattern from Konad plate M61 using Black Pearl Konad Special Polish (the shimmer is marginal and it doesn't smudge). Although my nails are still short enough for the full nail patterns, I think the black French tips really complete the cow mani, so I stamped them using plate M19. Here's the New & Improved Cow Mani in good light.
OPI Ghostess with the Mostess, Two Coats, with Konad M61 & M19
Just for fun, I took a picture of it in the dark. You really have to click on the picture for the full sized version to see it.
OPI Ghostess with the Mostess, Two Coats, with Konad M61 & M19 in the Dark
It's not the best picture of it in the dark - it took a zillion tries to get a reasonably clear one (try not moving either hand with your shutter speed at 100!), and the polish lost its "charge" a bit in that process. Still, you get the idea.
I think both Konadicures are a blast, but I especially love the cow one. I find it ridiculously entertaining.
That's what I have for you today, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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