Today I used the other Illamasqua nail polish I got with the Pastels, Velocity. It's a muted purple creme, and only took two coats (like most Illamasquas). I used Illamasqua base coat and Diamont top coat.
Illamasqua Velocity Nail Polish, Two Coats
As usual, it seemed a bit plain, and there was a pattern on Konad plate M77 I've wanted to try, so I added that to it. The pattern is of jewelry, and although I considered a literal interpretation of it in white or silver, I opted for Pink Konad Special Polish to make it Springy and blend the pattern into the base a little more. I finished it with another coat of Diamont.
Illamasqua Velocity Nail Polish, Two Coats with Konad M77
I really love Illamasqua nail polishes, and they have some cool unique colors. They seem to have an affinity for muted shades like this, which I like. I wish there was a $2 brand I liked this much!
That's my Nails of the Day, and what I have for you for now. Until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you! 
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