I just got a great big ol' sparkling*nails order of primarily China Glaze Glitters, and thought I'd show it to you in manageable bits. I picked out four to show you now, and the last that I swatched was a happy surprise - it's a dead-on dupe for a hard-to-find nail polish! I'll show that to you at the end...
This is just the order that I swatched them in. The sun was being pesky and pooped out on me, so I switched to artificial light after the first, which is Moulin Rouge. This is a red jelly which is sufficiently (for me) opaque in two coats with relatively fine multi colored holo-y glitter. It'd kind of a maraschino red.
Two Coats China Glaze Moulin Rouge Nail Polish
Next I did Goddess, which was not as dense on the nail as I expected, even after three coats. It's a fine, light gold glitter.
Three Coats China Glaze Goddess Nail Polish
The third one is a stunner that I was really anticipating: Atlantis. It's a teal jelly, opaque in two coats, with holo glitter.
Two Coats China Glaze Atlantis Nail Polish
Finally, that brings us to Techno, the one that really caught me when I opened the package. It's a clear base with fine silver glitter and bigger holo hex glitter. I noticed what it was a dupe for swatching it, got all excited about the comparison, and forgot to take the second pic! See if you can tell - does this look familiar to you?
Two Coats China Glaze Techno Nail Polish
Here it is: OPI Disco Ball Sparkle, from the Reflecting Glitters. Look at them side-by-side. They're indistinguishable. Ring and index and OPI, middle and pinky and ChinaGlaze.
Dupes: OPI Disco Ball Sparkle & China Glaze Techno
How is that for a happy little surprise? On the down side, the OPI wasn't cheap (not like ebay not cheap, but still not cheap), on the up side, I had it handy to show all of you that you don't need to get it shipped from the UK! I've already used DBS three times (two manis, one pedi), and was kind of wishing I could get a backup, but not willing to spring for one - now there's no need for it. There an under $5 alternative!
Now I have to go run an errand before the place closes with my Disco Ball Sparkle/Techno comparison left hand and a naked right hand. That's a good look! Can you tell I was eager to share with you my findings? I was all excited...
Well, that's it for today, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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