When Chanel's Blanc Pétale came out recently, I swore on a message board that no one would be seeing swatches of it from me. Then I saw it swatched next to Chanel White Satin, I got birthday money that I used partly on a Chanel order, and the rest is history... So, I'm making a liar of myself today!
What I liked about the swatch that I saw (I'd link it if I could possibly remember where it was) was that Blanc Pétale is a bit whiter and more opaque than White Satin, and has a subtle pearly shimmer that I really like. As with most whites, it took three coats to be completely even and opaque.
The other thing is that for me, Chanels usually have worked best with the old Chanel base coat. It's got the old-school chemicals in it, and my nails are yellowing from it. I need to try them with Foundation to find out how they do with that to stop the madness of putting formaldehyde on my nails, since I've proven time and again that mine turn downright orange with it! I found a ton of the Chanel base coat for a great price when it was discontinued and stockpiled, so I've just been using it since I know it works with these. What a fool I am!
Here is the finished, dry, manicure of Blanc Pétale.
Isn't it a delicate color? Certainly not very Fall, which is why the release date strikes me as a bit odd, but stunning nonetheless. It will probably look cool in Winter when it's snowy, though, so I can hold out on using it again until then. I just had to try it out now!
I may have more for you later today - I got supplies Saturday for something I wanted to play with. There's an old color that I've wanted for a long, long time, and I find the very last bottle of it on an etailer for an etailer price! I tried to use it last week, but since it's so full of chemicals, it would not play nice with Diamont and would not dry. I found a refill bottle of Seche Vite, but could not find a single little bottle to pour it into! I guess I threw them all away when I switched. So I went to Sally's and got one, and can now use my very old color and hope that it will dry with a chemical-riddled top coat. As long as I'm staining my nails with the old stuff, what the hey...
So that's what I have for you for now, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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