Friday, July 8, 2011

New Accessories

Hello sweeties! Really not feeling well today. :'(
It's hard doing all the chores in the house. But that's my responsibility being an ATE (eldest sister) to my younger sisters and GrandMa. ♥

If you're one of my older followers, you probably know that I love accesssories. Big and unique ones. Earrings and bracelets mostly. You can view my other collection from an old post

I'd like to share some addition to my collection. ♥

You will notice that I like dangle/chandelier earrings.
I love those big, chunky, unique ones. Maybe because since I have curly hair, it'll be more visible. And most of them goes well with any outfit. (^__^)
I also have a soft spot for antique/vintage looking pieces. ♥

One of my favorite!
If you only know how heavy it is!! haha.
But you gotta love the style and color.
So elegant. ♥

Bought this from an online shop that sells
antique style accessories. ♥

Bought this one from an Ukay-Ukay
(thrift shop)

I am in love with this piece! ♥
My sister Nicole bought this for me.
So sweet! ♥

Another fab find from a Thrift/Bargain store. ♥

Starry starry night hoops! ♥

This reminds me of a Dream Catcher.
That's why I bought it! hehe. ♥

Same with bracelets, my GrandMa and I loves buying eye catching bracelets.
And of course COLORFUL ones!
Perfect for my jolly attitude. (^__^)

My pink candy bracelet! ♥

My favorite bracelet!
Perfect for all my outfits! ♥

How about you sweeties,
what are your favorite accessories?

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