Sunday, July 31, 2011

Prom Dresses And Accessories For 2012

When you buy a homecoming dress, 2012, also make sure you have the best accessories are there, too. It is very important that the balance of prom dresses with accessories that you post, that will make the connection. Make sure it looks and what is there for you to get what is best for you and what is really going to equip a full and then went back to his house that looks like a million dollars.

Finding the right shoes Your Prom Dresses

One of the main accessories are shoes that use. You want to make sure you have shoes that are truly amazing match your dress is the right height, and really stand out. Buy shoes for the dress back can be really fun and really help you fit together. Make sure your shoes are definitely what you need in relation to the size, style and color, is the ideal partner to go with the clothes you wear.

The scholarship perfect party dresses

Another important accessory that you should look is your wallet. There are all kinds of scholarships that are there and you have the perfect dress to match your return. You may want to get a clutch instead of a purse as well, which is smaller and easier to handle. Choose the scholarship that goes best with the dresses you see on Homecoming.

Find Bijoux Ideal Prom Dresses

Another thing you will find a complete equipment is to ensure that you have great jewelry. You want to make beautiful necklaces, bracelets and rings to match your prom dress. The jewelry can really help to tie all your clothes and make it stand out and look fantastic. A great piece of jewelry may be just what you need to link all of your prom dress.

People Are Judged By Their Sandal

Sandals are all the hype of today, not only because they play a necessary part of our clothing, but also as a fashion statement in today's world. They are more powerful than a sexy bag, belt, necklace or most other accessories, for that matter.
Good shoes on the feet painted and maintained, is a recipe for success and do not forget also the best way to attract the attention of a man! Opinion sandals men. Women love men enjoy seeing sandals and sandals wearing beautiful woman, too.

This summer, keep a clear nail polish and eye catching colors and sandals for the skin to reveal the sleek design.

Heels are never out of fashion, but the only thing that everyone should wait for summer beach sandals, flip flops and sandals funky. Unlike interest rates are obviously more comfortable and airy, as they are not forgotten. Our feet are the hardest jobs in our body, keeps us up hard every day. Do not force boots or closed shoes, but dress in a manner befitting the situation and find the best sandals to work. Hot blessing to be able to use a shoe and still be light and airy "," Fashion. And in the evening, you can always put high heels and leave, happy and well rested, your feet will dazzle style.

Sandals are not only important woman in form, but have the same meaning in men's clothes too. Women are known to be very particular type of sandal that want to see men and women tend to evaluate their first meeting of the sandal. And everyone knows how important this report is the first meeting. So the sandal is an important part of human life and helps attract attention. And even if you use a simple dress that does not do justice to what really is the sandal to help improve their character and dress boring. And the sandal is always more reliable than the clothes of the character Toni Collette said, "sandalwood" sandal in shape, as opposed to clothing. Scarpa is a static and reliable. Then, change the form factor of many washing clothes, the shoes are basically the same except the color of the rain, stretching or tearing of the fabric.

Nail Art: Red Heart

Hello sweets!
I'm back!!! Though I've only been gone for 3days. hehe.
By the way thank you so much to all that helped me and voted for me.
Sadly I didn't win. But it's ok. (^__^)
I have some new things coming from a dear friend. 
I am still blessed right???

How was your weekend girls?
Me, I just went out with my boyfriend last saturday. Stayed at home on sunday.
Finally, it's Aug.1!!!
2 more months to go before my birthday! (Oct.8)
Yipee.. (^__^)

Anyways, let me share with you a very cute nail art. ♥
It just shows how IN LOVE I am with my man! ♥

Have a great week!
God bless.
Love. Love. Love. ♥

'I Wanna Go Surfing' Tutorial

Thank you for the amazing feedback on my last post! A lot of you requested a tutorial so here you go!

I had a great time camping but had to trim my nails a bit because they kept breaking from all the manual work! I quite like them short but since I've been doing more freehand nail art, it helps to have a bigger canvas so I'm hoping they'll grow back quite quickly.

I'm starting a new job this week so I don't know how often I'll be able to blog. I'm hoping regularly but we'll see how it goes.


Floral Print Nail Art Models Brings You The Feeling Chic

Since the stability of the time, the summer day is just around the corner. We know that summer is the best time for the girls show their slim figures in the world. Although people tend to use less clothing on hot days, is still the need to dress fashionably. What do girls, sophisticated equipment are essential in the wardrobe store. Today I am going to tell you about a series of summer nail art designs, we hope you enjoy them

We know that girls pay attention to their appearance, then an amazing accessory, it is important for girls. A good option not only makes sense that fashionable girl, but also decorated for his appearance in a perfect manner. These stunning designs nail art exhibition here I can meet girls, have to some extent. These floral print nail art designs are also popular this summer. These are the girls who want to make these words a nice way. Those who always want to question the styles may have to try these beautiful nail art designs.

Hey girls, if you have any ideas of your nails, why not try these floral printed nail art? I bet you will love!

Hello Kitty Nails Games For Sale Kids In Houston

If we are happy to use hello kitty nails games or nail polish in Houston USA and give us time to breathe. Leaving us free polishes and hello kitty nails for sale accessories. When cleaning the nail polish should not happen curry with sharp objects and so on. But to use a special cleaning fluid / nail polishing. To paint the hello kitty nails for kids are more durable, preferably before giving us the painted moisturizer before bathing. When they seek to brush, dip the brushing should be to take the art designs just enough so they do not overflow and the dissemination of results could be more perfect.

Hello Kitty Images Pictures Photos Pics How to use / wear hello kitty nails in Houston is rubbed with a brush horizontally to the right and left and then down over the edge. If you have excess paint, which do not use cotton towels or paper, but disposable manicure sticks wooden. It could be one of the many women who are worried and think about your hello kitty nails games. To obtain the most harmonious colors, it helps to know the first base color of the skin.

The trick to see the inside of the wrist. If the color is rather blue, pink or color of your skin, then cool. But if the color is red, orange or yellow skin color, then warm. You can then choose the matching hello kitty nails for sale with you.

Elizabeth Arden Vincenza Raspberry

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Elizabeth Arden Vincenza Raspberry is another fabulous discontinued polish uncovered in my time capsule from the other day.  It's a gorgeous, slightly jelly base that's the color of raspberry sorbet and full of tiny gold flaky glittery bits.  I used three coats to make it as opaque as I wanted it, and it turned out really well.  Here's Vincenza Raspberry in sunlight after it dried.

Elizabeth Arden Vincenza Raspberry
Elizabeth Arden Vincenza Raspberry Nail Polish, Three Coats

Ain't she a beauty?  It's a good one for today, my mom's birthday, because it's a really chipper color.  This year, my dad and I are celebrating my mom's birthday by going out to lunch and then to some new shopping outlet.  We both generally detest shopping while it was my mom's favorite sport, so she'd be thrilled that we went out to check this place out  for her.  Truthfully, I think my dad has ulterior motives - my sister took him there last week and he was enthralled with looking at air rifles (he's 85, what the heck does he need with an air rifle?), and I believe he's managed to rationalize some need for one in the days since he saw them and that we'll be leaving with one today.  Since it's his cash, it's his business (well, sometimes my entertainment too), so I'll just stand by with a fabulous manicure during the rifle purchase.

That's the update for today, Dear Reader, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

China Glaze No Way Jose

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I'm pleased to be wearing China Glaze No Way Jose today, which is another rediscovered treasure. It's a light, somewhat pink purple glass flecked polish from China Glaze's Tequila Toes collection a few years back. It applied very well and I added a third coat for opacity, which did the trick, before finishing it with Poshe. This is No Way Jose.

China Glaze No Way Jose
China Glaze No Way Jose Nail Polish, Three Coats

I love this polish. There's something about the shade of No Way Jose that thrills me, and I really don't know why. When put in combination with a glass flecked finish, I swoon, tilt my head sideways with both hands on one side of my face, and burst into song:

No Way Jose
How I love him
He's got something I can't resist
But he doesn't even know that I exist

No Way Jose
How I want him
How I tingle when he passes by
Every time he says hello
my heart begins to fly

I'm in heaven
I get carried away
I dream of him and me
and how it's gonna be

Other fellas call me up for a date
But I just sit and wait
I'd rather concentrate

On No Way Jose
'Cause I love him
And I pray that someday he'll love me
And together we will see how lovely heaven will be

If you don't recognize it for the tune, that's Johnny Angel, a Shelley Fabares song from the early sixties. It's the most melodramatic song I could come up with to complete my declaration of love for No Way Jose - when it comes to the stanza about sitting and waiting, I picture her singing it from the bushes outside Johnny Angel's window with binoculars in her hand, which makes it very funny to me.

That is No Way Jose and a little song for it that will likely get stuck in your head today, so I think my work here is done. Until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen.

Friday, July 29, 2011

OPI Hollywood Blonde & Twinkling Lights

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I'm wearing a favorite layered polish combination, OPI Hollywood Blonde topped with OPI Twinkling Lights.  I knew I needed redemption after yesterday's manicure, and that was on my mind when I came across a little plastic box of long-lost polishes that included these two.  The little box is like a time capsule from the era when I was married - I'd use the little box to bring out some polishes for the week, and I guess it just got stashed with computer stuff when we split up household stuff.  Finding things stashed is far more common in this home than you'd expect - the ex was big on packing random stuff together when I wasn't looking.  I recall one that was clothes on top, then framed family pictures and breakable memorabilia under that, and about seventeen million coffee cups and and kitchen knives under that (none of those things would even go in the same room!).

Anyhow, Hollywood Blonde, which was part of OPI's Holiday in Hollywood Collection (2007, I think), is a delicate sparkling blonde.  My bottle has a Trade Secret price tag of $7.50, and that release was right about when that price increase came, and that's the point that I decided that retail was far too much.  I begrudgingly paid it for Hollywood Blonde because she's a beauty.  Here's Hollywood Blonde in low natural light.

OPI Hollywood Blonde
OPI Hollywood Blonde Nail Polish, Two Coats

The only way to improve upon Hollywood Blonde is to make it sparklier, and that's just what I did when I added two coats of OPI Twinkling Lights to it.  Twinkling Lights and her sisters were my cruel introduction to the world of OPI's Japanese releases.  You know the six reds in OPI's Holiday in Hollywood Collection?  Well in their place, Japan got more like Hollywood Blonde and  some amazing glitters (I don't recall how many of each kind offhand, but my hope that I might find them around here has been renewed).  I'd commented on a message board that they were gorgeous and it was a mean joke that they weren't available to us, and a really lovely Japanese woman contacted me to do a trade that was my all-time best and coolest.  My side was the six Japanese Hollywood shades, which she bought for me at her local beauty supply for just under $9 each including shipping (wow, I just turned into my mother, citing deals from years ago!), her side was several Tazo teas and a bunch of American cookies aimed at kids (Nutter Butters, Chips Ahoy, shopping for her was like my parents were out of town).  Everything went perfectly, and as a result I have Twinkling Lights here and I was able to provide the woman who sent them lots of happy snacks of fun teas and cookies.

Twinkling Lights is about the same hue as Hollywood Blonde, but it's a base that seems to be between a sheer and a jelly that is full of fine holo glitter and cool hex glitter.  I added two coats to Hollywood Blonde, and this is what it looks like in sunlight.

OPI Twinkling Lights
OPI Twinkling Lights over Hollywood Blonde, Two Coats Each

What I particularly love about this pairing is the unexpected nature of the combination of this really safe shade and all that glitter.  Hollywood Blonde provides more opacity and adds depth with shimmer that shows through Twinkling Lights, and although it's not especially eye-catching in indoor light (the glitter shows and all, I just mean it's not flashy), in the sun the fine glitter explodes with a bunch of light and colors and the hex glitter starts shifting color.  It's great!

That is my OPI Hollywood Blonde and Twinkling Lights redemption manicure, so until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

FingerPaints To-teally Chic & Konad m63

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I went with another from the FingerPaints Fall Fashionista Collection, To-teally Chic.  It the teal creme, as the name implies, and I used two coats for perfectly smooth, opaque, shiny goodness.  After it had dried, I stamped it with the ribbon-y pattern from Konad plate m63 in Konad White Pearl Special Polish.

My stamping fell a little short of my usual standards, I think because of the humidity.  Everything through picking up the stamp was business as usual, but applying the stamp, the polish stuck to the stamper and only about half of it transferred to my nails with the other half staying on the stamp.  Some polishes have done that before, but White Pearl never has and it's a color (and particular bottle of that color ) which gets plenty of use, so it seems like it has to be an outside factor.  Since I was left with light image on the stamper after applying, rather than double stamp to cover the small edge that was left bare, I just applied leftover bits from the stamper to fill it in.  Some came off, some stayed stuck, but I was able to finish the mani that way.

FingerPaints To-teally Chic with m63
FingerPaints To-teally Chic Nail Polish with Konad Plate m63

See?  Not great, but not awful.  If I'd managed to make super clean stamps, in which case I would have done a careful double-stamp to fill in rather than a half-assed job of using stamper leftovers, this one could have been really striking, I think.  I'll have to give it another shot after either the weather lightens up a bit or I figure out a workaround.

That's today's near miss of a manicure, so until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

Hot Pink Summer Dress by Victoria’s Secret 2011

Flirty little dress mini bow on the front - a beautiful bell sleeves into the water. V-neck. Fit-and-flare style. Imported polyester / spandex matte jersey.

Stunning hot pink cocktails summer dress, long sleeve, comfortable and sexy at the same time, the perfect beach party.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2011 Casual Wear Salwar Kameez

The traditional model of wear salwar kameez is very popular and famous among the Indian and Pakistani communities. They are all life contexts. They are formal, informal, can be worn at weddings, functions, parties, etc., everywhere. Traditional Kurta is generally long, long sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless, and usually to the knee and can be more than this. Since the creation took place in the modern era, in the sense, style and size of Kurta or kameez has changed. Short kameez, Kurti to the waist, are very popular these days.
The salwar is very loose, with a look of many folds. The salwar is often embroidered along the leg or ankle. The kameez is shorter than a traditional costume from the middle of the thigh above the knee. This combination may be sleeveless.

Casual salwar kameez are the ones you choose as your casual attire. These come in different styles. Styles keep changing with development. Casual Salwar is perfect for everyday use, office wear, etc. You can easily include the printed dress casual wardrobe. Recently funds were big in fashion and short kurta are now back in fashion. Then select one of the styles and trends that are in vogue today as a result

FingerPaints Fall 2011

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

Today I have swatches of FingerPaints' Fall Fashionista Collection for Fall 2011, which will be available at Sally Beauty Supply in August in stores and online.  For the swatches, all are two coats of color over a base coat and finished with Poshe, which I allowed to dry for about five minutes before I took a picture in sunlight.

Fall Fashionista is a collection of nine cremes, and they're all incredibly nice to apply.  The formula is very smooth and even to work with, and it's so well pigmented that only two of the nine shades actually needed the two coats of color I used.  The remaining seven were even an opaque at one thin coat, but I added a second because I prefer the look of two coats on my nails (I have ridges, they don't show with the second coat).  However, for nail art stamping, layering, pretty much anything other than wearing the polish alone, one coat would be just fine for me.

Catwalk Queen is a weird-in-a-good-way sort of Dijon mustard colored creme, and it's one of the two that really needed both coats to achieve the color in the bottle.  My middle nail is not shiny here because my nails fogged up from the heat and humidity, and that went unnoticed until I was selecting pictures.

FingerPaints Catwalk Queen
FingerPaints Catwalk Queen Nail Polish, Two Coats

Military Green is a really cool one - it's the same color as U.S Army uniforms, that green with a touch of grey mixed into it.  It's good at one coat, but here's a picture of two.

FingerPaints Military Green
FingerPaints Military Green Nail Polish, Two Coats

To-teally Chic (that's the press release spelling, the label says "To-telly Chic," but it looks like a sample label, so we'll know which it is when they're at Sally's) is a vivid teal creme.  I believe this is the nicest teal creme that $4.99 will buy you .  Again, one thin coat was even and opaque for me, but the picture is of two coats.

FingerPaints To-teally Chic
FingerPaints To-teally Chic Nail Polish, Two Coats

Purple Pinstripe is a very pretty muted purple creme, and like most of the others, the color was great in one coat.  The second gives a little more depth and a lot more shine, so here's two coats of Purple Pinstripe (and I see the bottom finger's nail fogged up).

FingerPaints Purple Pinstripe
FingerPaints Purple Pinstripe Nail Polish, Two Coats

Haute Taupe is a soft light brown creme, a good basic polish.

FingerPaints Haute Taupe
FingerPaints Haute Taupe Nail Polish, Two Coats

Raspberry Taffeta, a really gorgeous berry shade, is one of my favorites.  A couple of months ago I was looking for an article of clothing, and in that process noticed for the very first time that at least half of my clothing that's not black or white at least includes this shade.  It seems I'm a big fan!

FingerPaints Raspberry Taffeta
FingerPaints Raspberry Taffeta Nail Polish, Two Coats

Vintage Velvet is another contender for the Favorite position, a muted blue green creme.  It's an unusual, modern, very pretty shade.

FingerPaints Vintage Velvet
FingerPaints Vintage Velvet Nail Polish, Two Coats

Stunning Stilettos, a grey creme, is the other one that really needed a second coat (so I needed two for Catwalk Queen and Stunning Stilettos, all seven others could have gotten away with one coat of color).  It's a good grey creme.

FingerPaints Stunning Stilettos
FingerPaints Stunning Stilettos Nail Polish, Two Coats

Last but very definitely not least is the one I am wearing, Cordur-Orange (I know the name looks silly, say it out loud and it makes sense).  It's a Fall orange that brings to mind maple leaves changing and apple cider for me, but somehow FingerPaints avoided doing to Cordur-Orange whatever OPI did to Ginger Bells because Cordur-Orange is pretty.  It's the one I'm wearing today.

FingerPaints Cordur-Orange
FingerPaints Cordur-Orange Nail Polish, Two Coats

That's all of them.  My sense of the collection as a whole is that it's perfect for Fall, and several of the colors are an interesting take on a more ordinary shade.  The quality of the polishes is exceptional, and the application is amazing.  I don't have a favorite picked out yet because there are four battling for it, and since I'll change my mind about it tomorrow anyhow I haven't really put the screws to myself to sort that one out.

That's what I know about FingerPaints Fall Fashionista Collection for 2011, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

*FingerPaints Fall Fashionista was sent by Sally Beauty supply for independent honest review.

I Wanna Go Surfing

This is a scheduled post so with any luck, I will be surfing right now! Hopefully the weather is nice, the waves are tip top and I'm having an awesome time in the ocean. If not, it's probably raining and I'm stuck in a tent playing cards with my Dad and Brother!

 So today's mani is inspired by my favourite part of summer. The surfing. I'm what you might call 'high maintenance' but I'll happily spend a week slumming it in a tent if it means I get to go in the sea every day.

The Drums - Let's Go Surfing

I used Barry M Cyan Blue as a base.
The waves are a mixture of BYS Metallic Blue, BYS Fools Paradise, No7 Poolside Blue and Rimmel Daisy Chain.
For the breaks of the waves, I used an unnamed Collection 2000 White applied with a sponge.
Topped of with a coat of NYC.

Nail Art: Colorful Aztec Nails

Good Evening! Another typhoon has hit our country.
Some provinces was hit really hard. 
Floods, landslides, heavy rains.
Prayers for them! ♥

On a lighter mode, the design is perfect since it has been gloomy for the past couple of days.
A bright and colorful nail art! (^__^)

So whenever you sweets are feeling sad,
do a colorful design to brigthen up your day. (^__^)
Please follow me on TWITTER

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nail Art: Fimo Apples and Candy Cane

Good Morning!
I slept at about 11 in the evening.
I just heard on the news now that there have been a magnitude 6.0 earthquake!!!
OMG! Please no aftershocks! GUIDE US LORD!! ♥

Hmm, well today I'll share with you 2 YUMMY designs! 
You'd definitely want to eat my nails for it. hehehe. 

I don't know what has gotten into doing all this colorful designs.
Seeing these bright/rainbow nails of mine makes me smile a lot!
As in a lot!!! (^__^)

I hoep y'all like it as much as I do! 

**The first design are my APPLE nails.

My thumb. =)

**Second design are CANDY CANE nails.
Good enough to eat right?? YUM!!
Delicious!!! =)

Have a great day sweeties!!! (^__^)
Love. Love. Love