Good morning, Dear Reader!
I did a little playing around with some China Glaze Crackles, Broken Hearted and Fault Line. When I first unpacked and examined the Crackles, my first thought about Fault Line was that it's similar to Nubar Pasadena purple, and this manicure is where that thought took me.
I started with a base coat, and for the base color I alternated nails with Nubar Pasadena Purple and Nubar Hollywood Pink (both from their California Dreamin' Collection) - I went hunting for a pink similar to Broken Hearted, and Hollywood Pink is close in color but is a shimmer. After two coats of color, I top coated it to dry it. For the Crackle, I alternated nails with those as well, putting Broken Hearted over the Pasadena Purple nails and Fault Line over the Hollywood Pink nails. After letting it break up for a minute or two, I added a coat of Gelous to smooth it out and a coat of Poshe to dry it. This is what the manicure looked like completely dry.
China Glaze Broken Hearted and Fault Line over a Pink and Purple Base |
I like it. At first glance, the colors confuse my eye as it tries to discern which colors are where, and I like that. As to the color choice in general, my affinity for violet and bright pink together comes from my childhood. Last week I mentioned that my dad would take us to school in the morning, but when he dropped us off we didn't get to go straight to school (the "get to" will become clear, and young childhood is always "us" for me since my sister and I were a package). We'd get there at about 7:05, an hour before the school's doors were unlocked, and the rule was that the early kids had to go to daily Mass. After a few years of being in Mass six days a week (my mom took us on Sundays), it was sometimes more than I could bear to go in, but the principal would come out and herd kids into the church periodically, so there was no escaping it. The principal was also the one with the keys to the school, so there was no hope of the school doors opening early. So I'd sit in Mass, appropriately bored out of my skull for a kid, but during Advent the officiant would mix things up a bit with the violet and pink stoles (that's the long silk scarf thing that a priest wears over his robe to say Mass), and the church would be all decorated in violet and pink, all of which was light at the end of the tunnel for me - the minute Advent ended, I was on Christmas break and free of it all for a couple of weeks, so those colors together are always a happy sight for me.
Christmas Break Countdown |
That's the update for today, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you!

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