The way to see the inside of the wrist. If the color is rather blue or pink, the color of your skin cool. But if the color appears red, orange or yellow, the color of your skin including warm. After that, then you can choose a matching nail art design polish with you and look good.
For art nails bright colors then you can choose red nail polish, pink and coral pigment containing a higher quality than before. Because it is easy to use and provides a flat color. Although the color is brighter but much easier to peel than the bright colors that do not but you do not need to worry because many of today's nail polish containing reinforcements such as rice bran protein.
It is best if you wear bright nail polish, combined with fashion colors or neutral soil. Because sometimes brightly colored nail polish to give an unexpected color bias. But if you do not like colored fingernail polish, it can be worn on the feet.
If the color of your skin including cold color then your nails will look beautiful when you wear a fuchsia color because it can cover the blue color so the skin looks more beige. But if your skin color is warm color then wear red nail polish kejinggaan because it will highlight the color of your golden.
Want to show the color of nail polish is shiny without giving the impression of wearing nail polish teenager. We suggest using pastel nail polish and to get the most glossy color, nail polish bottle lift up and into the light. If you can see the grain kilapnya then do not you choose because it will give results that are not beautiful polish.
You can wear whatever color dress because this soft colors adds an elegant freshness on all the clothes you wear. The end result is fine to cover the imperfections of your nails art desgin and make short nails look beautiful and funny.
For those of you who have a cold then wear colored nail polish young mauve color that makes your skin look brighter. But if your skin should choose a warm color pink beige color that will blend in with the basic color of your skin and visually blur the line and extend your beauty funny fingers.
Displaying colored metallic nails art polish, but you can just not imagine a metallic color version of the 80s. Color is the latest metallic colors such as pearl to create the end result is sophisticated. You need to remember that metallic colors to emphasize the nail into vertical stripes. So, first apply a buffer before applying a metallic funny nail polish.
A good idea to wear white clothing as alloys. A little color bronze, gold or silver will add a glamorous image making it suitable for a party.
Your appearance will be more beautiful if your skin color by selecting a cool gray metallic colors to give the impression of scintillation effects on your skin. But if your skin should choose a warm color copper color to enhance the base color of gold so as to give the impression you look more healthy. Good luck.
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