This morning I ran into a couple of polishes I've been hunting for, which I wanted for the purpose of this comparison post. I have the original China Glaze Wizard of Ooh Aahz C-C-Courage and Ruby Pumps, so I thought we could look at them as compared to the 2009 China Glaze Wizard of Ooh Aahz Returns rerelease. I believe the original release was in 2002, but am open to correction on that.
I recently downsized my stash significantly, and am hoping that somewhere in the box of special polishes I haven't gone through yet that I have the original Cowardly Lyin' and Dorothy Who? (with the question mark being part of the name, not mine!). I showed you the original DW a while back, but after I used it and took pictures to prove it, I passed it on to a friend. Shortly after, another friend sent me a fresh bottle of the original DW, so I hope I have it somewhere...
It worked out well to only do two colors today anyhow - I have ten pictures for you, which probably makes the load time of this page a century. Sorry about that! I took the pictures under strong artificial light, weak natural light (I checked the 10-day forecast first, and clouds are all I see), and regular room lightbulb light to show the differences between the releases. I also took pictures of a full manicure under artificial light of each, with the artificial light used being one that's supposed to emulate natural light. For all pictures, the polish is with a base and top coat and dry. I used Seche Vite over all but 2009 C-C-Courage, which is my NOTD, and for that I used Diamont.
Let's start with Ruby Pumps. I was bought this 2009 relelease full set, despite owning a zillion Ruby Pumps from other sets, for the purpose of this comparison. These are close, but the original is indeed different than the 2009 version. Here is the original Ruby Pumps, three coats , and all pictures of both versions are three coats to be consistent.
China Glaze Ruby Pumps Nail Polish, Original Release, Three Coats
As soon as I started using it, I noticed what the comparison pictures show: the original is a bit darker, more opaque, and has different glitter. Here's the manicure with the 2009 release to see.
Here are the comparison pictures. The photos are labelled, but just to be clear, the middle and pinky are the original, the index and ring are the 2009 rerelease.
Here is the strong artificial light comparison:
This is light bulb room light:
This is weak natural light:
China Glaze Ruby Pumps Nail Polish Comparison, Three Coats, Natural Light
The difference is small, but I still see it, and I prefer the original.
On to C-C-Courage. Here, the difference is not so subtle. The finish, glitter, and base color are all different between the two releases. Here is the original C-C-Courage, and it only needed two coats, so all pictures of C-C-Courage have two coats to be consistent.
China Glaze C-C-Courage Nail Polish, Original Release, Two Coats
The Seche Vite wrinkled a couple of nails on this one, but you can see the giant glitter and the super pale color relative to the one below, as well as some difference in finish. For comparison, here's the 2009 version, the only difference in application being that I used Diamont rather than SV.
Now for the side-by-side comparisons. Again, middle and pinky are original and index and ring are the 2009 version. First up is artificial light.
This is light bulb room light:
This is weak natural light:
China Glaze C-C-Courage Nail Polish Comparison, Two Coats, Natural Light
This is what I hope is Part I of China Glaze Wizard of Ooh Aahz versus Wizard of Ooh Aahz Returns 2009. The both look pretty different to me.
That's what I have for you now, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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