Here it is, the eighth of October, and I have my first Breast Cancer Awareness related nail polish. It's OPI's Pink of Hearts 2009. They've done a Pink of Hearts for the last three years, and changed the naming standard this year. 2007's was Pink of Hearts, 2008's, which I showed to you, was Pink of Hearts 2, and this year, they went with the year as a suffix. I bought it, so I don't have a press release giving me details of charitable contributions. From what I've been able to look up, it appears to be a flat rate rather than a percentage of sales of the color, but I am no authority and entirely open to correction on that.
POH 2009 is, as in prior years, a pink jelly, this years having a very slightly greyed-out tone to it (very slight), and is more opaque than the last two. It still took three coats for me, and it seems to be that OPI saved those gargantuan moppy brushes a la The India Collection for charity releases, such as Breathe Life and this one. It was manageable, but barely. Here's the finished manicure, topped with Tout de Suite.
OPI Pink of Hearts 2009, Three Coats
That covers the first half of the title. Now we get to the fun part - a mystery!!! The story continues when the mailman arrived nice and early. I love the mailman. Know what he had for me? My most recent sparkling*nails purchase. I haven't even shown you all the China Glazes from the last one, but already placed another order that arrived today. She let me know what she got in, and I did one of those things like when you talk to your dog and use words he knows, where his ears perk and and his head keeps turning from side to side. She said she had "a fifth Color Club Japanese Glitter," and I didn't even ask questions, I just said yes.
Well, it turns out this is The Mystery Japanese Color Club Glitter! That's all I've unpacked so far - it was a little order, but I stopped at this. It is a sheer medium pink with multi colored fine glitter. Several things make it a mystery: it is definitely a different color, yet certainly consistent with the other four Japanese Color Club Glitters, it has a silver cap while the other four have black ones, and the label is messed up, in the clearly a mistake way. It looks like two were put on, one over the other, with the second one being blank. I can read through it, and the first one put on is the label for Too Violet (I even checked the item number, D113, which is the same), which was the purple holo Japanese Color Club Glitter. How is that for a total mystery? I have no idea how these would have been distributed this way, but they were and sparkling*nails has them!
So, faced with my plain Pink of Hearts 2009 manicure, which was also not terribly shiny, I decided to try The Mystery Japanese Color Club Glitter over it (I figured it's still pink for BCA). I applied one coat, and that was just perfect - plenty of glitter to liven it up. I added one coat of Diamont to it, and the manicure is, unlike the China Glaze Glitters, glass smooth. Here is is under artificial light, which does wash out glitter. You'll see that even so, you can get a sense of how good this glitter really is. The bottle, shaded by my hand, shows it better.
Color Club Mystery Japanese Glitter Nail Polish, One Coat, over Three Coats OPI Pink of Hearts 2009 Nail Polish
Isn't that cool and fun? I love mysteries. I think I'll write to Color Club to see if they'll tell me anything about this one, but I really doubt they will. I only got word about this on Tuesday (it only takes two days for me to get sparkling*nails orders), so I don't think it's in her store yet - it usually takes several days for her to list things. It'll be here when she does. It's not a blog thing that she lets me know what she's getting in when she gets it - that's a regular customer thing she's done for about two years now, pre-blog. I was just all excited about the weirdo Color Club and wanted to show it to you!
That's it for today, Dear Reader. Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you! 
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