Today I'm stretching the definition of "salon" polish a bit - it's one that was created by a specific salon, Carolyn New York. Now, CNY's site still seems to work, but I caution you not to use it - it seems they've gone under. Emails bounce, phones are disconnected, but cards are charged... bad news! So just because you can use the site, it's really, really not a good idea to!
So today's NOTD is my RIP mani for Carolyn New York. It's one of their real classics, Mugged on the Six Train. It's a huge bummer that there are troubles with them now, for this is a great brand. Excellent polish, good bottle, and the best brush - a mini, better-proportioned Pro-Wide. Poor CNY!
Here's three coats of Mugged on the Six Train with my treatment base and a top coat under artificial light.
Isn't she a beauty for Fall? CNY has a bunch of great colors. Once I dig up more of The Stash, I'll have to do a CNY Week - it would be easy to come up with seven fabulous shades from this brand. If you missed out, swap for them or something, but really, really don't use the site!
That's it for now, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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