Today I have pictures I took for you yesterday during a break. I've been working like a dog, and did a nice little Konadicure to clear my head. When it came to the pictures, they're not the best I've ever taken - I was racing the battery in my camera, so I was looking at the flashing dead battery icon while taking them.
For the manicure, I used a base of three coats of Nubar Hot Green. It's a great neon green because it's neon, but just shy of burning out one's retinas like Sinful Irish Green. Then I cracked open a fresh bottle of White Konad Princess Nail Polish to stamp it with a pattern from Konad plate M74. In doing so, I realized my old bottle of White Konad Special Nail Polish really needs to be thinned - it's way thicker than the fresh bottle, and has been smudging a bit with any top coat lately. I think it's just evaporated a bit since it's more than half empty, so I'll thin it to the consistency of the new one and test. As you can see in the pictures of the finished manicure, topped with a coat of Diamont, there's no smudging of the new Konad polish.
I did this mani and took these pictures to have something to show to you today. I have something to do this evening for which I did a safe-but-fun mani: Nubar Desire. Since you've seen that one before, I'm not taking new pictures.
I also have some product testing on the horizon. In addition to the breaks I had packing, I had some weird "bends" of my nails with the acrylic overlays on them that resulted in breaks across the nail bed. The one on my left ring finger shows in some pictures (not today's, I just checked). My left index finger has a pretty bad one, too, and they've already grown to the point that they're just past the nail bed. My right hand is worse. I'd planned to do my best until I could file off the damage, but it looks like I might be able to do better.
I was in touch with my contact at Nubar, and mentioned how badly wrecked my nails are, asking if their ridge filler might hide it. She said it would, but that she could do one better. It turns out they have a product called Nail Weaver that's intended for nails on the mend from acrylic damage like this that kind of holds everything together. Then I'm supposed to put the ridge filler over it to smooth things out, then color. So that's on the way, and I'm just hoping all the pieces stay put until it gets here! The other thing coming is something called Nail Clear. I was telling the contact lady how happy I was about how the stains on my nails were growing out, and that the new growth since I've been using Nu Nails is white, and she tells me they have something that removes the old stains. So basically, I showed you that picture of my gross, stained, naked nails for nothing - there is a product that would have removed all that before I took the picture, and the growing out is not necessary. Argh!!!
So that's what's on the horizon. If it turns out these products actually work as well as Nu Nails, it'll honestly have been worth it to me to have jacked up my nails with acrylic to test them and find out for all of us that there's a solution for it. I'm really, really not looking forward to the "Before" pictures for the whitener, but I guess I'll survive with that little chunk of my dignity gone! In any case, whatever happens, I'll show you the results in pictures rather than just tell you what I think. So we'll see.
That's it for today, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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