I want to thank you for all of your comments and emails about the Total Beauty issue. I really appreciate the thought that went into each of them.
I have a follow-up from Total Beauty's CEO, Emrah Kovacoglu. It's via video on YouTube, and if you're interested, here's a link:
Comments are disabled on the video, but in it, Mr. Kovacoglu gives the viewer his cell phone number and email address if you'd like to make your opinions known. If you don't have the patience to get through a YouTube video to get that information, the phone number is (310) 993-4002, and the email address is emrah@totalbeauty.com. Both of these appear to ne temporary, as the email address sending the video to me was slightly different, and noted a new cell phone number, but I thought I'd pass that on to you in case you'd like to take your concerns to the source.
Last night, I promised you pictures in my next post, Dear Reader, so let's put that ugliness behind us and move on to happier things! Today I have a Konadicure using Konad Plate M4 for you. I started with a foundation of Zoya Ali, which is a hot pink from this summer's La-Di-Da Collection. I'd place this one about halfway between Essie Punchy Pink (the brightest and most retina-searing) and Nubar Hot Pink (the most wearable) in terms of tone as well as vividness. Ali took three coats to be opaque and even, and as soon as it was dry, I went at it with the Konad.
I used two patterns from M4 with Blue Konad Special Nail Polish, which was really sufficient. However, whenever I use M4, I can't resist adding the "Kiss Me" lips pattern to my ring finger, and today was no exception. Here's the finished manicure in the sun. Ali is a bit darker and more neon - the sunlight washed it out a bit...
I should have stopped shy of the white on my ring finger, but I couldn't help it - I'm a fool for that pattern!
Our unrelated note: if you haven't aready, check out my dad at Woodlines. I'm so proud!
That's all for now, Dear Reader. Again, thank you so much for your comments, emails, and support, and until next time, love and nail polish to you! 
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