Good morning, Dear Reader!
After typing the title, I now have the Joe Walsh song Meadows stuck in my head: "Can't think of any reason, don't know exactly why, must be it's out of season, give it another try..." I hope that goes away soon!
I picked the title because I that's what I think my nails look like, ten little meadows. I started the manicure by going through the Konad plates I have not yet used, and one of the very cool new ones, M74, was in that group. I have no idea why (can't think of any reason, don't know exactly why...) because it's one that I was really fired up about while I was waiting for them to become available. It had a bunch of cool patterns on it, but I picked one that's an all-over pattern which looks like flowers growing.
Having chosen that, I decided bright pink would be the best for the stamping (Konad Psyche Pink Princess Nail Polish), and that a light springy green would make the best background for my flowers (Nubar Reef Green). Once I'd chosen what I was going to use, I just had to do the mani! Here she is.
As you can see, the all-over pattern is too short for my nails, but in this case, I like the effect. From my perspective it just looks like the grass extends beyond the flowers, so I left my tips unstamped. It's happy and springy, and I like it!
Also, I thought I'd give you a preview of good (I hope!) things to come. Yesterday morning, you may recall, I flipped for a moment after I looked at the new Konad Princess Nail Polishes on
WowSoCool. Well, I figured I'd go ahead and get some while they're 20% off (with code "nailphile"), and I went to town. I don't know when I was last this excited in anticipation of something coming - maybe when the Coraline Konad sets came out. In any case, I'm seriously excited about these and their potential, so I thought I'd give you a peek at what's on the way.
I'm still on a quest for the perfect red Konad polish that will show up on black, and it's my hope that Cool Red will do the trick.
How could I resist Apple Green??? This one will be great fot the pale blues, yellows, and greens that have come out lately.
The shade of Chic Blue is just right to go over greys, and will also get used on this Spring's pale greens.
Coral Blue will go well over pale pinks, greens, and yellows, which I have plenty of.
I imagine I'll use Dark Purple over lots of things, but likely not too much until Fall. While I was loading up and getting 20% off & free shipping, I added this one because I really can't have too many purple options for Konad!
I've had my eye on Deep Jungle for a really long time. I'm sure I want it, so I got it - look at what a great shade it is!
Gold Black is another one I've had my eye on for a while. It looks like it would really amp up a black Konadicure, especially over a true gold, so it shall be mine.
I almost spit out my coffee when I saw Olive Green. It's like an RBL No More War for Konad! There was not an extensive thought process in selecting this one - it'll work over lots of Fall colors, so in the basket it went.
Pop Green also almost made me do a spit-take. This one is the perfect blue green for so many bases! Again, no thought required...
The last one is a basic I don't currently have - Violet Pearl is simply that. I'd like to have it for pinks and blues, and the ability to make anything purple with Konad is a plus!
So that's what's on the way that I simply cannot wait to get. Right now, I have one lonely Konad Princess Special Nail Polish, but now she'll have some friends! I sometimes use regular nail polish for Konad, chromes or the occasional well-pigmented color, but I do find Konad polishes to be the easiest for me to work with now. I think it might be because I've really picked up the pace on how long it takes me to stamp, so the polish doesn't dry up before I can get it on my nail, and there are some colors that I just can't get to show up well with regular polishes. The Konad ones are more opaque once they're stamped, so the patterns show more clearly, which is how I like them. Since I've solved the problem of top coat smudging Konad polishes, I'm happy to get some really great colors. I think I'm set for Konad stuff until they made new things!
That's it for now, Dear Reader. Until next time, love and nail polish to you!

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