Thursday, March 31, 2011

Le Chat Summer 2011

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I had some press releases from Le Chat in my Inbox, so I thought I'd show you the ones you might be interested in.

Available for sale tomorrow (with "Where???" being the eternal question...) is a Dare to Wear collection of mostly metallic nail polishes.  Sorry about the little pictures, they're all I have.

Dare to Wear Bling It On Collection

They're also doing a collection of neon soak off gel polishes for their Perfect Match line, as well as a handful of other colors.

Le Chat Perfect Match Neon Gel Polishes
Le Chat Perfect Match Gel Polish, New Shades for Summer 2011

That's just about all I have for you today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Preview: New Bundle Monster Plates

You may have noticed that I don't post many previews. In fact, I don't think I've ever posted one but this upcoming release has me really excited.

Bundle Monster have been posting previews of the new plates on their Facebook recently. So far, they've been kind enough to show us five of their new designs.
This time around there will be 25 plates with 'lots of full nail and french tip designs'. The full nail and tip designs will be larger than the ones on the last set which I'm sure will come as good news to everyone.

At the moment, I can't find any evidence of a release date that's set in stone. It seems as though the guys over at Bundle Monster are working as hard as they can to finalize all the designs and make the plates available to us as soon as they can, which should be just a few weeks.

Follow Bundle Monster on Facebook and/or Twitter if you want to be the first to know when these plates go on sale.

I can't wait for the release of these plates and I'll be getting them as soon as possible. Here's to hoping they won't sell out before I get a chance!

EDIT: Since I posted this, they have released more pictures on their Facebook page. There are pictures of the actual plates and you can see the new, bigger pattern size.
The set of 25 plates will cost $21.99.

EDIT: Since I first published this post, I've edited it a few times to add new plates as we get them. There are a further 6 plates to the ones in the picture above and here they are all together.

EDIT: 3 more previews added 21/04/11

To buy these plates from @ $21.99, click here
To buy these plates from @ £16.99, click here

T-Shirt Cutting

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do You Think I'm Tex-y Too?

It's just a quick one today. I did spend quite a while writing about how I think this shade is similar to OPI's Do You Think I'm Tex-y then realised it didn't really make any sense! I blame it on the cold I've been suffering with since the weekend, my head is all stuffed up and I'm just too tired to make real sentences.

Konad Plate: M57
Base Colour: NYC Glossies 235
Konad Colour: Stargazer White
Top Coat of NYC

China Glaze Island Escape Swatches & Comparison

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I'm still waiting for word on yesterday's interview, which went really well, so I have no news on that front, [I got the call - I JUST GOT THE DREAM JOB!!!] but I got a surprise from China Glaze this morning, so I have things to show you.  I went out to get some coffee early this morning, and as I was pulling out of the driveway I saw a Post-It on my front door, and when I went to look at it I found it was from FedEx and there was a little box at the door even though I wasn't expecting any deliveries.  I'm hoping it was placed there just yesterday... Anyhow, when I got back home I opened it up to find that China Glaze had sent their upcoming Island Escape collection for review, so I have some pictures for you.

First, I swatched the six polishes on a little thingy of fake nails (I believe "thingy" is the industry technical term for it), which I've never done before.  To be honest, I have no idea why I even had the fake nail thingy, it must have come with something else at some point, but it worked out fine.  Second, the sunlight here is almost non-existent and I did the best I could for you on the pictures, but if I notice a few minutes of good light I'll take additional pictures and add them to this post.

China Glaze Island Escape Collection
China Glaze Island Escape Collection Swatches, Two Coats Each
For reference, everything in the picture other than nail polish is white, that's the light I was working with.  As for the polishes, I thought I'd just go through them one at a time like usual.  If you click the picture it'll open full sized in a new tab, which may be the easiest way to go back and forth to it.

Electric Pineapple is a yellow creme that has a slight greenish tinge to it, and it reminds me of a yellower Misa Green with Envy.  It's quite opaque for a yellow, and the second coat made it even and opaque.

Cha Cha Cha is a yellowish green with a gold shimmer, very much like China Glaze Moonpool, and I compared the two to find that Cha Cha Cha is a little bit brighter.  The only notable application issue was that I found brush strokes were pretty evident in the shimmer even after it dried, so it has to be applied carefully.  Here's Cha Cha Cha with Moonpool.

China Glaze Cha Cha Cha Comparison
China Glaze Cha Cha Cha and Moonpool Comparison, Two Coats Each
Blue Iguana is a great glass flecked bright blue, very much like a glass flecked version of Nubar's Mali Blue, which is a shimmer.  Actually, three of these are about the same base color as three of that Nubar collection with a different finish.  Anyhow, the color of Blue Iguana is gorgeous - I spent a couple weeks in the Bahamas a few years ago, and the balcony of the room I stayed in had a clear view of the beach and ocean (which I could stare at for hours), and Blue Iguana is the color that the water was near the shore.  There were no application issues to mention.

Senorita Bonita has the same finish as Blue Iguana, but the shimmer bits are pink in a purple base.  Senorita Bonita's base color is very similar to Nubar's Pasadena Purple, again with a different finish.  Again, nothing was noteworthy about its application.

108 Degrees is a fantastic bright pink, also with the same finish as the previous two, and the base color immediately brought to mind Nubar's Hollywood Pink.  108 Degrees was also easy to apply and even.

Papaya Punch is an orange creme, and it reminds me a lot of OPI's Flit A Bit from last year's Summer Flutter Collection.  Papaya Punch is quite thick, but I did not find that to be problematic, and it was almost good with just one coat (it needed the second to even out the color).

That's just about everything I know about China Glaze's Island Escape Collection, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!  

T-shirt Laddering

Monday, March 28, 2011

EZ Flow The It List

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

I've been neglecting you because I've been neglecting my nails, I'm sorry.  I just wasn't up for dealing with another long removal and redoing this fake tip until I absolutely had to, and today I had to.  The old mani was nine days grown out and had a chip near a cuticle because I decided to tidy up my cuticles while taking a scalding hot bath a few days ago, and a bit of the gel came off when I did, so they weren't really looking too good.  Early this morning I got a call to set up a second interview for a position I really (really, really, really) want, and it's tomorrow morning, so the time had come to redo my nails.

The removal of the old mani was long again.  I did some more hunting for tips online and saw people say that the remover works better than acetone, so I used the remover that came packaged with it, but it was still pretty bad.  Since the Nubar removal was the easiest, what I did this time was use Nubar Gelicure products for nail prep, base, and sealer, and just the EZ Flow color gel in the middle.  This is my third time time using EZ Flow color gel, and I find that it shrinks in application quite a bit - both times before were with the whole EZ Flow system, so it doesn't seem like product incompatibility would be the problem here.  I worked around the shrinkage as well as I could, and the whole application, including one sculpted tip, was finished in under forty-five minutes (that's excluding the removal of the old one).

I went over a few options I had for what color to use this week (pretty easy since I don't have a ton of choices), and I found one I'm content with.  I considered a nice French, but vetoed it for this particular interview because it's a little on the girly side - the job's an IT team lead role, and girly just doesn't cut it.  I considered going with just clear since my nails are white enough to do that now, but I'm never comfortable with that and it would be distracting to me, and that thought led me to just wear something I'd be comfortable and confident in, which was a darker shimmery red from EZ Flow called The It List.  I know it's a bit bold, but I'll still be very understated overall - my clothes are the dressy IT choice of a charcoal skirt and a black sweater.

EZ Flow The It List
EZ Flow The It List Soak Off Color Gel
Looks like I got some towel lint on there after I washed my hands when I finished, so we'll all have to pretend we don't see that.  Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out - it's familiar, not especially attention-grabbing, and so I'll be at ease wearing it.  The last thing I want to be thinking about for even a moment during the second interview for a dream job is my nails, and that'll be easy with this.

So that's the update for now, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Top Fashion Trends For Women

Looking for trends in women over winter fashion for 2011? This year's lively style military, bold design, stylish tuxedo jackets and sweaters in soft tissues are styles of winter.

White Military Style

Elegantly cropped military jackets, military style pants nervous there are countless ways to incorporate this trend into your wardrobe. The integration of a range of green, olive, gray and dark gray in your closet and invest in a closet of some key pieces, including a military-style jacket or coat, military style trousers and a pair of overhead cone heel of the military-inspired boots.

Bold Graphic Prints

Add some bold and graphic prints in our wardrobe to create a hip and looking nervous. Fitted t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, skirts and dresses in one piece are the best options for bold and graphic prints. When you choose a garment with a printer model look or something with a touch of art, including bold lines, watercolor retro look nervous or even slightly forms and templates.

Whether you wear a dress printed with bright colors and artistic design and print graphics or nervous elegant long-sleeved jacket with a military style, do not forget to add some highlights of beautiful jewelry. cuff bracelets, necklaces with pendants and rings are divine vintage accessories to wear with a bold or a pattern.

Elegant tuxedo jacket

This is the year of the smoking jacket. Long lines and tapered design of the tuxedo jacket creates a graphical look long and slim flattering. The best part of this fashion trend for winter, it works great as a layered look. Use an elegant tuxedo jacket over a long sleeve shirt or attractive graphics. Add a pair of jeans or leggings to create a stylish layered look great for the winter season.

Do not forget to personalize! Add to that a pair of long leather boots, a silk scarf and a bright gold bangles complete the look. The search key in a chic tuxedo jacket is to keep a tight style that falls just past the hips. Keep it simple, elegant two or three layers with additional accessories.

Swimwear airbag in the long

There is nothing more divine than wearing a sweater soft tissue used in your best pair of jeans and more comfortable. The Cardigans with V-neck sweaters are the best to wash and wear, and every time you use it. Black, white, gray and cream are the best choices of color and function as key elements in your wardrobe, as the neutral color palette is extremely flexible and free.

Use a soft knit sweater over a pair of leggings, jeans or trousers. Add a pair of boots with laces, elegant gemstone jewelry vintage style clumsy and a fanny pack to complete the look.

This winter, the four top fashion trends for women are military-style jackets, tuxedo bold design, sweaters and soft tissue long and elegant. Investing in one or two key elements that blend well with your wardrobe. neutral colors are often the best way to incorporate the latest fashion trends in contemporary style.

Haute Couture For 16 Plus

If your fat and your waist is 16 years and over, while still not decided when you wear designer clothes. Sometimes women do not wear fashionable dresses fat because they think that fashionable clothes are not suitable for them, but do not worry here is the collection of designer fashion for fat women. This is the ultimate collection of fashion in the fashion that is best for your lifestyle.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Casual Clothes For Women

All women like to wear sexy sportswear. Want to be beautiful in casual clothes? Then here is some fashionable women wear casual clothes. And verified the hottest looks in fashion for next season.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Scotch Tape Take Two

Try and say that ten times fast?!
I just want to say thank you for all the lovely birthday messages. I truly loved them, thank you so much. It's so good to hear that plenty of you are still acting young for your years and getting away with it!
I've gone for a patchwork look this time with the scotch tape. The base is BYS Metallic Fuschia, then I painted on the purple sections with Barbara Daly Velour and the last layer is Rimmel Lycra Wear Black Satin. I used a thick top coat of NYC in an attempt to flatten out the lines.

Then I added some little sequins which I think is a nice touch but I preferred it without.

Fall And Winter

All designs here are originals. They were created in every woman feel comfortable, elegant and refined, where it is. Of course, all were affected in the highest achievements of craftsmanship are used, 'Babini kuki' look is ever present, and the color scheme goes well beyond the traditional for this type of clothing.

The result is a rich collection of drawings and models, which could correspond to any woman's tastes and preferences, without compromise.

Each garment is hand crocheted with luxury packaging, has a unique number and a passport. It can never be identical.

Women's fall-winter line consists mostly classic sweaters and shirts, with the most beautiful patterns and points that you can imagine, you will not see anywhere else. Few of them are models with two colors - the most difficult task of needles.

Jackets and sweaters with a particular fashion style of young people is introduced. Again, 'Babini kuki' look, style, fashion, masks and models are all things that would make a woman feel beautiful.

exclusive line of wool sweater coats show an artistic approach to another common piece of clothing.

Friday, March 25, 2011

20 Candles

I turned twenty today. It's kind of momentus but disappointing at the same time. I'm no longer a teenager, I am a fully qualified 'adult' which I suppose is okay, but I sure am gonna miss being a teenager and getting away with all the things you can before you reach this age. Only five years ago, I was looking up at twenty-somethings and thinking, 'Woooooooow, look how old and responsible they are' but now it's me and I still feel like a 13 year old inside, but I suppose it'll always be that way.

So the nails are a cake and candles!

George @ Asda - Natural White
Collection 2000 Hot Looks - Dynasty
BYS - Astro Gold
Nails Inc - Victoria

Rimell Lycra Wear - Black Satin
Stargazer - White
Sally Hansen Chrome - Amber

I used nail art brushes to freehand the candles and a dotting tool for the flames.

Acrylic Nail Paint

Hello girls!
As I blogged last month, my sweet Boyfriend bought me a set of acrylic nail paint. Well I finally got the chance to play with it! My experience was fun but a bit messy. I had paint all over my hands, my legs and even some on the face! hahaha. But it's all fun! (^__^)
Will definitely do more freehand designs with it!

Here are photos of my design:

Patiala Salwar Kameez Latest Fashion

Patiala salwar kameez Latest Fashion is a dress of all time favorite of Punjabis. It is one of the most elegant salwar kameez among traditional costumes. It looks very trendy and fashionable anytime and anywhere. It became popular not only in India but also in other parts of the world as well. Precisely because of this exceptional place, "Patiala", a small city became very famous. Patiala salwar kameez collection now is finding admirers innocent village girl to a girls city street smart. Kameez can be adopted salwaar to see traditional and modern, depending on their choice, personality and needs.

The whole band is Patiala Salwar kameez Salwar kameez and consists of narrow and loosely fitted with pleats sewn to provide comfort while wearing. Patiala Salwar kameez collection of heavy sequins work and thread embroidery in front of borders and edges are well can be used anywhere in the selection of the kameez. Buties be adorned with a dupatta and embroidered sequins. The edges of the dupatta with lace adds beauty Patiala Salwar kameez. Dupatta with polka dots all over and ornamental metal ball is looks good.

Patiala Salwar kameez collection is a variation of style. Punters could be a pure style, Patiala Patiala or part of the style. Semi Patiala Salwar is also a very nice project seems pretty much any body that wears it. It 'the same dress famous punjabi designed for a modern look and style to keep in mind the latest fashion.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Latest Tattoo Designs Butterfly Girls

Each butterfly tattoo design is beautiful and certainly the most time, which is colored in on the priority list for most women. There is a delicate balance in the design of these tattoos butterfly and they are easy to do because they are wonderful to see. These tattoos are of different sizes and colors and can be placed virtually anywhere you want. Most people choose to have their place on the ankles, forearms and the neck, buttocks, chest, around the navel, thigh, and many face.Latest Butterfly Tattoo Designs For Girls

When we talk about tattoos can not fail to mention that is probably one of the tattoo designs the most popular and in demand. But what butterfly tribal tattoos that many people prefer it a lot.

Normally, tribal tattoo with butterfly as a design is a representation of the mental and physical freedom that butterflies often seen flying in the sky and seem to be bothered by anything. These tattoo designs also means beauty at its peak. A colorful example would be about a butterfly flapping its wings in the sun.

Hot Girls Tattoos

Girls Tattoos

Tattoos used as a mark of rebellion .. now a fashion accessory. Although tattoos are most often applied to men, many girls began to show how tattoos can be sexy and feminine.

Sites ordinary man has a tattoo on his chest, shoulders or arms. Fashion can be a little girls' revealing, so having a tattoo items may limit the girls' wardrobe ', if it is hidden. The girls have time to consider the tattoo looks great when you wear a wedding dress or bikini. Which is why they tend to be cautious and make sure that the tattoo is easily hidden by clothing.

Before seeking a sexy girl tattoo, which will decide whether the body is the first step. the most popular girls are in the lower back between the shoulders and below the navel. These positions seem to reflect the latest fashion, and that can easily be covered or put into the program. Avoid having a tattoo on the chest or breast. Pregnancy or aging can cause the tattoo to stretch and ruin.

Sexy girls tattoo designs are often the butterflies, flowers, stars, dolphins and fairies cute. Although it is exciting to get a tattoo should always be taken to choose a template. Hundreds of people rushed in and just took a book design tattoo parlors, and then find they do not really like it or their friend got the day before the exact design.

Cartoons White Salwar Kameez

For the ladies collection SMEs choose white salwar kameez fabric is not the grass instead of cotton or other fabrics such as silk or gauze. The light is often used embroidery on chest and bottom front kameez, but not too heavy. hand embroidery is generally preferred, but work on the machine Shalwar Kameez is so good these days.

For the job of collecting sequences heavy embroidery is done by hand or used in high Kameez (front and rear). Hard work at the frontiers of Dupetit also used and used with Shalwar Kamez. These types of salwar kameez are used in wedding ceremonies.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nautical But Nice

I hit the shops with my mum on the weekend and it seems that nautical is in again this summer which I'm very pleased to see. I love all the colours and patterns associated with the sailor style. Nearly everything I purchased was blue and/or white with plenty of stripes, sail boats and anchors to boot.
I spent this week searching for a perfect navy blue polish at a cheap price but didn't find much luck. Then I remembered I had this blue in my collection and the lemming totally disappeared. This colour is just the perfect accessory for a nautical outfit.

Plate: Bundle Monster BM08
Base Colour: No7 Poolside Blue
Stripes: Stargazer White applied with a striping brush
Stamp Colour: Sally Hansen Chrome - Amber
Top Coat of NYC

Products Lakme

Like all products Lakme, because it has all its beautiful beaches and various cosmetic products according to my needs. Most of my friends use it and to my surprise I have not heard any complaints so far in its product line. Also performed with his own salon in the country in recent years. I regularly visit all the rooms once a month. Everything was well maintained and trained professionals to care for my hair, skin, facials, etc, using the same product brand for extended periods to help keep skin and hair healthy and nourished. It's accessible to me as quiet as the other expensive brands. It increases my confidence level and gives an overall impression of calm encouraging.

Care Of The Breast And Nipple

The size and shape of the breast and nipple changes during pregnancy, so extra care is needed both. Sometimes, unusual things also happen that delicious milk, the discharge of oil from the nipples, etc. Here in this article, you will find helpful advice on the breast and nipple care during pregnancy and lactation.

1. discharge of oil from the nipples: -

Sometimes there is a discharge of grease nipples during pregnancy and after childbirth for a few days. Around the areola of the breast are not small glands (called Montgomery's glands) that secrete small quantities of a fatty material that kills germs on the skin in that area. Fat also is useful for keeping the nipples flexibility. Do not wash nipples with soap for grease equipment, otherwise there is the possibility that the nipples become painful when the baby feeds. All you have to do is sprinkle the nipples with water to keep them clean.

2. Or flat nipples -

In the case of flat or inverted nipples seem, you should press the areola between the thumb and finger to stimulate the nipple stand out. If the nipple that the baby will not have trouble feeding. During the pregnancy period as the nipple may be wrong, but improves as pregnancy progresses. Is the effect of hormones during pregnancy. Do not apply ointment or cream on your nipples. Clean your nipples with water splashing on them. Do not try to remove all the secretions, as they are to protect and prevent infection.

3. The leakage of breast milk: -

Dripping from the breast is common in the first weeks after the baby is born. This shows that the breast is full, and the mother is ready to breastfeed your baby. Keep a soft towel or a handkerchief or a piece of soft cloth or buffer against the nipple is a bra with cup. This sucks the milk and prevent the blouse, bra and a sheet to get spoiled. Make sure to change the platform, often prevents the nipples of the remaining wet. Otherwise, they will be sore. Try to keep your nipples dry and clean. The secretion of milk may be interrupted by pressing the palm of your hand against the breast nipple for about a minute. If the drops of milk from the breast, while others feeding the baby, leaving her breasts exposed and let the milk

4. Black breast milk: -

Sometimes breast milk is common during the first weeks after birth. This indicates that the chest is full and the mother is willing to nurse the baby. Keep a soft towel or tissue or a soft cloth or a buffer against the teat cups in a pinch. It will be a milk bath and keep her shirt, bra and information about the shame. Be sure to change the key frequently enough to prevent the nipple to stay moist. Otherwise, they become painful. Try to keep the nipples dry and clean. The secretion of milk can be stopped by pressing the nipple with the palm of his hand on his chest for a minute. When the drops of milk from the other breast while feeding the baby, leave the chest open and let the layer of milk.

 Hopefully this article will help you find some easy solution to the problem above.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

China Glaze Island Escape Collection

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I'm busying myself with some housework today, and I just sat down for a break to find an email from China Glaze with the press release for the Island Escape Collection for Summer 2011.

Here's the picture of all six shades in a row:

China Glaze Island Escape Collection
 Papaya Punch, 108 Degrees, Senorita Bonita, Blue Iguana, Cha Cha Cha, Electric Pineapple

The color description from China Glaze are:

·        Papaya Punch: Crème based vivid orange.
·        108 Degrees: Flirtatious berry pink with specks of micro glitter.
·        Senorita Bonita: Passionate purple shimmer with pink micro glitter.
·        Blue Iguana: Bold and daring sparkly blue.
·        Cha Cha Cha: Vivacious shimmer green.
·        Electric Pineapple: High intensity crème based lime green.

They'll be available individually, in a six-piece set, and 36-piece display, and the press contact at China Glaze told me they'll be available for purchase in May (but Trans Design seems to get a lot of things early, so I wouldn't be shocked if TD had them very soon).

That's about all I have for you today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Pakistani Shalwar Kameez Fashion

Update Your Makeup: Latest Cosmetics Road Test

Every day you wake up and start the same routine, ending goal is to be attractive - perhaps more attractive than yesterday. Maybe you've put on some mascara, maybe some gloss and some blush and look exactly the same as you do every day. From time to time, it's time for an overhaul to keep your beauty and fresh look today. This composition is bold and dramatic season. Here are our favorite tried to add some color to your seriously sexy look:

Wet / Dry Eyeshadow:

Try Bourjois eye shadows wet and dry. See what a little water will look em dead-Nock.

Glitter eyeshadow:

Try some powder eyeshadow Manic Panic. These richly satisfying long shadows port are filled with pigment and glitter microphone. Buy a single color or paint pallet box.

Colored mascara:

Be adventurous and try some Stargazer Mascara. A variety of colors available. Colors such as turquoise, purple, red, white, blue and pink. If you want a touch of color on the tabs, it applies only at the tips.

3D Mascara:

Have you seen the last of Revlon mascara? It's called Extreme 3D and give your lashes extreme fullness. If the drama is what you want, you - and more curves more visible tabs. Do not cake or flake and also comes in waterproof.

Mood Swing Lip Gloss:

This must change your mood. Too Faced door "mood swings", a lip gloss with a secret blend of oils and extracts to help keep lips soft and supple, rejuvenated and protected from the sun. I am sure that rings to remind the state of mind "the 90's that was always the same dark color, but do not worry - your lips look nothing but trouble.

Calm and Shine Lipstick:

the lip of the store front to look and feel as well. They soothe the lips and make them shine. They contain antioxidants, essential oils, and provide sun protection.

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Baby Sister - LayLa Mae

So this post is not nail related.
Well I am so thrilled coz tomorrow(March 23) will be the graduation of my youngest sister
LAYLA from pre-school.
I'm a very proud "ATE" (filipino word for older sister.)
And she'll be graduating with honors! 2nd Honor to be exact!!! (^_^)

A lot of people always thought that I am her mother coz of the age difference.
For the past 3years I've taken care of Layla and my other sister Nicole(14years old).
Our paretns works in Kuwait. They only come home here in the Philippines every 2years.
I know that it's very hard growing up just seeing your parents every 2years. We have to sacrifice to live. All knows that the Philippines lacks in job opportunities.
So most Filipinos are forced to work abroad to earn money for their families.
That's L.I.F.E.

On a lighter note,
Here are some photos of Layla:

Isn't she adorable???


So far I've been keeping up with my blogging schedule. For those of you that didn't catch my post a little while back, I mentioned that instead of putting pressure on myself to post every day as I used to, I'm setting myself a goal of 3 posts per week. I've finalized the plan and the schedule is to post on Monday, Wednesday and either Saturday or Sunday. Whenever there is a special occasion, like St. Patrick's Day for example, I might throw in a quick, freebie nail art post.

Last night was my first attempt at a 'Scotch Tape Mani' made famous, I believe, by the fabulous Erika at Chloe's Nails*. It basically involves placing strips of scotch tape on your nails which act as a stencil to give you crisp lines between multiple coats of colour. Depending how you use the tape, you can get all kinds of great results and it's so easy to do. Make sure you check out Erika's blog to see what amazing effects you can achieve.

My first few attempts were a bit disastrous to say the least. I'm very impatient and wanted to get to bed so I kept putting the scotch tape on too quickly and it would rip off the base colour so after a few failures I decided to leave my base coat to dry over night before subjecting it to any tape torture.

I used Jay Jays Thrillseeker as the base colour and applied a top coat of NYC last night. I got to the fun bit in the morning when I applied the tape diagonally across my finger and used BYS Fools Paradise for the second segment. I then applied Barry M Blue Glitter with a striping brush for the dividing line and topped it off with another top coat of NYC.

* If I have this wrong and you know of someone else who was using the technique before Erika, please let me know as I like to give credit where credit's due.