Saturday, October 8, 2011

Vampy Half-Moon manicure... but not as you know it

A few days ago, an idea struck for a half moon manicure but I couldn't find the stickers I use for them anywhere. I spent more than an hour searching my room top to bottom for the dastardly things to no avail!

I found myself in an 'odds and ends' kind of shop yesterday and remembered just as I was leaving that I needed some of these and I found a packet of about 500 stickers for 60p. Such a bargain!

The stickers in question are THESE hole reinforcers. I cut them in half and used them to mark off the half moon shape at the base of my nail but instead of painting a new colour over the top, I used a stamp.

Konad Plate: M64
Base Colour: W7 - Black Cherry
Konad Colour: Collection 2000 - Moonlight Shine
Top Coat of NYC

On Monday, Cris @ Let Them Have Polish, Rie @ Nails and Noms and I will be starting the 31 Day Challenge (click here for details). We decided to do it together so that we won't be tempted to stray from the strict 'post every day' rule! I think it will be fun but also challenging to go back to posting daily after relaxing my blogging schedule since the new year. I can't wait to start and I'm hopefully my enthusiasm won't dwindle too quickly!


Konad m84 ~ New Plate!

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I got an email from Jessica at WowSoCool last week telling me that there were two new Konad plates in, m84 and m85, as well as a new "multi stamper," and she sent them to me to review.  I'm always excited when there are new Konad plates, and I was especially happy for these because I just haven't done any nail stamping in a while.  I have a lot going on these days, and the times I've been inspired to Konad, I've simply run out of steam trying to pick which design to use in what color, so being limited to two was doing me a big favor!

I picked plate m84 first because it has lip prints.  Here's the stock image of the plate:

Konad Plate m84
Konad Plate m84

I figured a pattern in addition to the lip prints would be good, so I went with the stars in the middle.  To get back to BCA pinks, I started out with a manicure of Eyeko Punk Polish, the two-coat hot pink, and black and white Konad Special Polish for the stamping.  I used the new multi-stamper for this manicure, and I really liked it.  This is the stock image of it.

Konad Multi Stamper
Konad Multi Stamper in Stand

The picture shows two pieces, the stamper in its stand.  The top is the regular stamper, the side an angled metal scraper, and fit into the stand is the small Konad stamper, like on the double-sided one.  The first two stamps I did with it were a little awkward because I'm right-handed and have always scraped the plate right to left (toward me) to look at what I'm doing while I'm doing it, but the whole scraper is a little big to look around and moving it that way wasn't easy.  Then I tried scraping left to right, and it was the easiest thing ever - all it took to scrape the pattern perfectly was a little twist of the wrist, that's it.

What I liked best was that after scraping, I used the same tool to stamp.  One reason that appealed to me is that after applying thousands of Konad stamps because I love them, I still associate the process with picking things up and putting them down eighty bazillion times at breakneck speed.  This cut out the part where I quickly look for a place to put down the polish-covered scraper, find where I left the stamper and grab it, and pick up the pattern from the plate while racing the drying Konad polish.  Simplifying the process also cuts out a few seconds between painting the plate and picking up the stamp, which is helpful.  Whenever someone emails me saying she can't get Konad to work and asks for tips, the first thing I always mention is that you have to work at the speed of light, literally as fast as you possible can, and nine times out of ten I get a reply telling me that was it.

I know none of that is life and death stuff, and that's probably why it's useful.  Since Konad (and nail polish, for that matter) are entirely optional, keeping them as easy as they can be makes it likely that more people can use them well, and Konad is such a high payoff for very little effort that making the window where problems come up even shorter is a big help, so I'm a fan.  The speed came in handy with the stars, which I did in Konad White, since tiny shallow patterns dry ridiculously fast and are sometimes hard for me to stamp before they dry, but it worked here.  I added the lip print in black for an accent nail.  My pinky's stars are imperfect because I was too lazy to look for the Konad polish, used Misa Heaven White, was reminded of why I prefer Konad polish, got up to find the white one, and stamped over it.

Konad m84
Konad m84 over Eyeko Punk Polish

I like it because it's fun and a little silly.  That's why I love lip prints so much, they're so cartoonishly funny to me.  They always make me think of a friend of mine who died of brain cancer in 2004, and older guy of about 70 from a small town around here who worked a blue collar job in agriculture his whole life (one of those friendships where nothing matched but personalities).  He was the funniest person ever - he'd go between saying the most concise, deepest observations imaginable (always preceded by "Kid" when talking to me, since that's what he called me), saying and doing things for the sole purpose of annoying others, and flirting with all the younger women.  He didn't flirt in a gross lecherous way, he had a wonderful wife he'd been married to forever and absolutely adored, he just liked to flirt.  One evening after a gathering he came up to me and the two other women I was with and started his flirting, and he kept teasing me about my bright red lipstick.  I finally just I put my arm around his shoulders, stood on my toes, and planted a big red lip print on his cheek.  We had a good laugh and I took out a Kleenex and mirror so he could take it off, but he was having fun showing off that he got a kiss, and wore it home to show to his wife (who, knowing him best, also thought it was funny).  Ever since then, lip prints remind me of Larry and make me smile.

That covers a lot!  Now you know about Konad plate m84, the multi-stamper, and you've heard my lip print story!  Until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen from a real nail polish blog.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Chanel Peridot

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

After passing on Chanel Peridot with confidence, I saw someone wearing it in person recently, and that completely changed my mind.  I think it's one that doesn't translate to photos terribly well - I've seen pictures where it looks mostly kind of yellowish or gold , and that's not what it looked like in person at all.  I decided to get it somewhere with easy returns in case I hated it, and I don't.  If only I'd waited to get Stairway to Heaven from Nordies...

Anyhow, Peridot seemed like a nice change for today, so I tried it out.  It's a well pigmented two-coater, mostly green with some pale yellow and a strong shimmer.  I used SpaRitual Lacquer Lock as a base and their Tout de Suite for top coat (some experimenting a few years back showed me those consistently work well with Chanels) and two coats of Peridot.  Then I went outside and took some pictures.  This is Peridot in the sun.

Chanel Peridot
Chanel Peridot Nail Polish, Two Coats

Since it's a duochrome, I also took a picture in the shade.

Chanel Peridot Swatch
Chanel Peridot Nail Polish, Two Coats in Shade

It took about ten pictures each to get the real color, and even at that neither picture is as cool as in person.  I never knew it had the shimmer that shows in sunlight, but it does.  Peridot is a happy surprise that's kind of made up for the Stairway letdown.  This is not my favorite duochrome color combination (and not terribly far off from Nubar Wildlife but definitely not a dupe), but it's a very nicely done duochrome so I like it.  If it were the purple/green kind, I'd be giddy about it.

That's Chanel Peridot and the update for today, Dear Reader.  I have some new Konad stuff (the two new plates and multiscraper, which looks super handy) to show you this weekend, so until then, love and nail polish to you!

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen from a real nail polish blog.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Deborah Lippmann Stairway to Heaven

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

I decided to try Deborah Lippmann Stairway to Heaven when I ordered another Lippmann, and it got here in record time so I thought I'd give you a peek.  I looked at some pictures to decide on it, and it looked sheer-ish white with light colored moderately sized glitter.

I was surprised at how sheer Stairway to Heaven looked in the bottle and I simply don't have the patience for a million coats of color these days, so after applying base coat I applied one thin coat of Misa Heaven White.  I picked Heaven White not for the handy name tie-in but because it's not as stark a white as my other layering standby, FingerPaints Papier Mache.  On the very first nail, I was glad I'd put something under Stairway because I found it to be both sheer and incredibly thick, so thick that it was kind of hard to get it on the brush well.  In getting it on my nails, it was so thick that I had to got over some spots to flatten out the little square glitter bits I'll show you in a minute - the base was letting them stay standing on end.  I missed a spot in the flattening process of the first coat on one nail, and it's still lumpy after it dried (but it's on my right hand and not in the picture).  I did a total of two coats of Stairway to Heaven and  finished it off with Addicted to Speed, and the polish on my nails is pretty thick, so more coats of Stairway wouldn't have worked well for me.  I let it dry and went in the sun for some pictures, so here's Stairway to Heaven.

Deborah Lippmann Stairway to Heaven
Deborah Lippmann Stairway to Heaven Nail Polish, Two Coats over White

Here's a look at the glitter, which looks like itty bitty squares of colored transparent plastic.

Deborah Lippmann Stairway to Heaven
Deborah Lippmann Stairway to Heaven Nail Polish's Glitter

I liked it more when I started writing this than I do now because I've snagged a piece of wayward glitter on the edge of a nail about seventeen billion times so far.  I did wrap my tips with top coat, but extra clear wasn't an option when the polish was so thick to start with (I understand that's to suspend glitter, but there are limits to what's useful and I could always mix it before applying it if glitter settled...).  This isn't something I'd wear on its own, and it seems like a Springtime glitter to me.  I also have to point out the lack of gold - not many songs have specific color references, but what what do we know from the very first line of Stairway to Heaven?  There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold.  I would have put some gold in, because looking at this polish, this lady is sure all that glitters is pastel.

That's Lippmann Stairway to Heaven - not a huge failure, not a huge hit, but kind of a disappointment for me.  That's the update for today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!

Edited to add a little note on removal: What a nightmare!  Imagine the worst Nfu Oh flaky removal you've ever had and square it.

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen from a real nail polish blog.

Essence Cool and the Gang

The lovely Christine travelled to Germany a few months back and picked up a few Essence polishes for me. Even though I'm technically in Europe, Essence is not sold here in the UK so it was super exciting to finally get my hands on some of their polishes.

Cool and the Gang is a gorgeous royal blue but I'd describe the formula as inky. I used 3 coats in an attempt to cover any Visible Nail Line but there is still a little bit showing through.

Konad Plate: Born Pretty M79
Base Colour: Essence - Cool and the Gang
Konad Colour: Barry M - Gold Foil
Top Coat of NYC


The Nail Salon

A large nail, always careful not to leave home with a look of total greenhouse ugly brute. It is important to place the nails, for this may be a reflection of his personality. We'll have to start the day with a

good grooming tips down our fingers and toes, so that other people are now able to enjoy and get pleasure from our presence. It 'been a well-known truth that the individual usually has a sleek and desirable. Although these are only a small part of the human aspect is extremely important. Condition nail person can always say a little 'attitude from the very person hygiene and cleanliness.

A remarkable and joyful be communicated to someone who has a soft set and nails perfectly, rather than someone who has not.

All up, nails and respected cosmetic companies preferred to go with one of their own treatment systems consisting of nails type of equipment selection, treatment and prostheses. These would be complete if it is combined with the cleaning and maintenance procedures to make and design beautiful and terrible forms of remedies for the nails.

Once you have the best conditions that the nails of a person may have, it's time to seek help from several other agencies for the beautification.
Usually, this service can be obtained when you go to a beauty salon. This is the most effective place to go each time you want to be treated by a nail technician and a certified expert beauty professional. Nail Salons was created especially for the nail.

So if you want to buy a set of beautiful nails, then what you are looking for is probably a beauty salon, where the lifeline of your business produces nail beauty really shine.

Nail Salons

When you go to the salon provides services such as manicure, pedicure, artificial nails, gel directions, acrylic, porcelain nails, silk nails, full sets, fill ins, nail buffer packing, polishing, repairing nails, nail care, nail conditioner, and even some hand-painted fingernails. Most of these services are used to make your nails look more and extra soft and perfect.

Hand-painted fingernails is when the artist designer. They make models, or even add highlights and sparkle to your nails reduced fee added. That said, I believe that the decision to have your nails will be cheap. You can pay anywhere from $ 30 - $ 75 and nail over a hundred if you get both the toenails and done. Yet it can be the best way to pamper them, but not something that most men and women can afford to almost every week.

Many people today do not get your nails done weekly or monthly basis, although it is expensive. Some people today go so far as to write their taxes because of the society that places so the hype about how we look, or to introduce ourselves.

When you go to the salon, you can go with traditional French manicure or you can get wild and crazy. If you work in a corporate environment, you may want to go to a French manicure or go with something soft and elegant. When it comes to business, striking is not the best way forward. Conservative is what you do. If you decide to go looking in nature or be a little strange, you may go to prom or a dance unique to the school.

Wild, especially for young people, but when it comes to being qualified, neutral look is best. Still, you could go to the salon to get their nails painted or decorated. You can go for the treatment of nails to be strong and wonderful, or take care of cuticles. When a cuticle, allowing the skin near your nails to see their elders.
When you go to nail salon, there is usually no need to book. Manicure or even welcome to walk on the INS. One can perhaps find you have to do appointments, if it is part of a hair salon or spa on the other hand, you can usually go to the mall and get my nails. And 'a pleasure to go to nail salon with friends. Friday evening, a couple of girls to go to the mall and get your nails done in funky designs and creative, because who cares! You will have all weekend to fade the paint, and just before the operation on Monday, you can usually take off in Poland. So go out, go crazy, and it is pleasant for the girls!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

OPI Excuse Moi

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

Today I have a new polish that's also pink to show you, OPI Excuse Moi from the OPI Muppets Collection for Holiday 2011.  I only got a few of the OPI Muppets, and I'm especially happy with this one.

Excuse Moi is a pink base that's opaque enough to completely cover in two coats, but not so opaque that it obscures any of the myriad glitters it's completely loaded up with.  For today's manicure, I used base coat, two coats of Excuse Moi, giving each coat of color several minutes to dry a bit, then two coats of clear polish over Excuse Moi to smooth it out before applying one coat of SpaRitual Tout de Suite.  When applying the clear, I covered the edge of my nails all the way around with each coat and also gave each coat of clear a few minutes to dry, then applied the top coat, covering the edges a third time.  I did that because sometimes when top coat wears a little from typing or just proceeding with the day, if there's a piece of glitter exposed, it'll catch on everything it possibly can and annoy the heck out of me, but I've found the extra padding of some clear polish tends to bypass that.

Once it dried, I went out into the sun and took some pictures, so here is OPI Excuse Moi.

OPI Excuse Moi
OPI Excuse Moi Nail Polish, Two Coats

Check out all the glitter it has - this is a close up of part of one nail.

OPI Excuse Moi Nail Polish Glitter
OPI Excuse Moi Nail Polish, Close Up of Glitter

That seems like a fair representation of The Muppets to me!  I loved really The Muppets growing up.  My mom only let us watch PBS when we were little, and Sesame Street was my favorite.  My dad was cooler and would let us watch Sonny & Cher sometimes, and he'd also get us Tater Tots and Lucky Charms when my mom went on trips (maybe that was so we wouldn't whine about when she was coming home...), but I was a Sesame Street gal at heart.  We'd watch The Muppet Show as a family when it started later on and going to see the movies was a great big deal, so I was glad that some of these polishes appeal to me for the nostalgia factor.  Some of them really, really don't - I currently have a pretty strong preference for smaller glitter.  The glitter in Excuse Moi is small but very visible, about the same size as that in OPI Teenage Dream.

Two coats of color and two coats of clear for a very smooth and totally opaque glitter manicure is about as good as I could possibly expect, so Excuse Moi makes me really happy.  I have a whole bunch of work to do this afternoon that's going to keep me inside, and this is a polish that make me really want to look at it in the sun, so I'll be fighting that impulse all afternoon.

That's my OPI Excuse Moi manicure, so until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen from a real nail polish blog.

SkinCare Treatment

Skin whitening creams can be many markets, but should give the best results, but without side effects. Together, skin creams, whitening creams acne scar appears to be required for the acne scar cream on the market. Anti-pigmentation cream is very popular for several reasons. People can easily get Sun points too, and passed the application of pigmentation, or taking other medications. If too dark skin bleaching creams are very popular. There are those who do not just fade lines, but also to reduce age spots. Find products 100% authentic and well-Review not want to spend a bouquet of something that does not show the results. Make sure you get what you like in your neck firming, scars and skin whitening process without giving you anything rash.

Anti-wrinkle products is also very high demand on the case even of wrinkles is not very positive. If it is prudent to take care of the skin from the beginning, there should be a

ny questions wrinkles later.

Group Care ® wrinkles or pigmentation care products are also great for use. First step to show wrinkles if you happen to put them in good health, have no worries at all! When you are looking for products wrinkles or pigmentation careful attention to ensure that they are very moisturizing to the skin. Proven results for your skin occurs when you use the right kind of products for your skin type.

Skincare About

About Skin Care

One of the most common problems of men and women about care. Women are usually the ones who complain about skin care, but there are many men who want not only beautiful skin, but healthy skin. This article will talk about men and women skin care skin care.

What is the most common problem on skin care?

The most common problem with regard to the attention of many people is acne. Acne is a severe form of acne. It begins as a button, but it could be worse. It is caused by a clogged pore. Usually, the adolescent who are affected by this because it is the time when your hormones change, but can also affect adults.

What advice I can apply to the problems of skin care and acne?

Hvis slippe ønsker af med at din acne, your tips om er hudpleje nogle, der kan hjælpe dig:

1. Washing: When it comes to skin care, eeping your face clean can be very useful to unclog pores is the most common advice that most people overlook. You must face your face with mild soap and warm water twice a day. Just gently massage your face in a circular motion. Do not wash your face twice a day there, because it may cause irritation. After washing your face, you can apply a product containing benzoyl peroxide. When it comes to skin care, benzoyl peroxide can be very useful.

Ei second pistely: Ala Prick sinun Finn kanssa tai kyntesi esineitä, Koska neigh olla see, Etta cadets tai Esine, Etta käytät on bakteereja, jotka vain voivat pahentaa sinun näppylöitä. See Voi tehdä punoitusta turvotusta huonompi yes. Tama on yksi Myos parhaista vinkkejä ihonhoito Joita Tule noudattaa yes muistaa suurimman ajasta Osan.

3rd Do not touch: If you have buttons, one of the best advice and effective on skin care you should follow is to not know your face. Avoid touching your face when you have pimples, because chances are there are bacteria in the hands that can contaminate your face and may even cause more pimples. If you want to touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.

4th Clean your glasses: What's going to touch your face must be clean. The most common cause of problems for skin care is a bacterium. If you had to wear glasses for cleaning so it is free of bacteria.

5th Do not wear tight clothing: Acne is not only place on the face, it can also occur in the body. If you feel in your body, do not wear clothes that are tight, so your skin can still breathe.

6. Remove make-up: One of the best tips on acne skin care has always to do is remove makeup before bed. If you wear makeup, make sure it has not expired. Throw all the old makeup you have.

7. Keep your hair and face clean: You can use cosmetics for hair and face to be clean. But before buying one, you'd better chech the intensive care products and hair products as it may be that the hair product used is the reason why you have acne. 8. Use sunscreen: unprotected exposure to sunlight can cause skin irritation.

So if you still have to go out, be sure to wear sunscreen to protect your skin against UVA and UVB. Have beautiful skin, you should know how to care for him because. Ask about product reviews skin care, and reviews of the lotion about makeup and other products you use, because the side effects that may be the problem you have with your skin, including acne.

Products Skin Care

Scientifically advanced skin care products

At Lansdowne Med Spa, we believe that the cornerstone for a healthy skin and youthful is a balanced program of home skin care treatment procedures. We offer scientifically advanced skin care products are always anti-aging products, moisturizers, cleansers, sunscreens and more. We have selected brands are those recommended by leading dermatologists and beauty experts. We are trying to integrate the latest complete skin care treatment.

The products you choose to use in your diet daily skin care should reflect your skin type and condition. Our goal is to offer other skin care components to improve the look and feel of your skin when you leave our office.

Beautiful skin at home with our products advanced skin care

We have carefully selected products to health care more proven and effective, including Obagi, Skin Medica, NeoStrata and you can be sure you are getting the best treatment for your skin.

Equally important to skin care products quality has a sunscreen every day to help protect the skin properly, to protect their treatment and prevent further damage. We recommend using a sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.


NeoStrata products are doctor presented the results of decades of rigorous research with AHAs and PHAs, allowing qualified professionals to offer their patients efficient care skin products with significantly less irritation. NeoStrata products improve the visible signs of skin aging or sun damaged and treatment of skin diseases like acne, dry skin, hyperkeratosis and skin clarity. Formula with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), polyhydroxy acids (PHAs) and Bionic PHAs, these products can improve the therapeutic and healing and recommended by doctors.


The Obagi Nu-Derm ® is a physician prescribed skin care prescription strength Retin-A (tretinoin) and hydroquinone, which works at the cellular level to help your skin look and act younger and healthier. Benefits include firmer, softer and more resilient, with increased hydration and circulation, and with fewer wrinkles, reduce freckles and age spots, and a balanced approach, tone the skin. More information about the system and Obagi Medical Products


SkinMedica products are composed of a mixture of several human growth factors, soluble collagen, matrix proteins, antioxidants and other ingredients, which is a visible improvement in hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and an overall increase in skin firmness. SkinMedica recovery of the complex is dramatically rejuvenate aging and sun-damaged skin. For more information about advanced range of products is SkinMedica

10 Best Products For Skin Care

It 'has long been known that the skin of fruit has been used for centuries to help skin maintain a healthy beautiful glow, while reversing the signs of aging. Synthesis of fatty and high effective natural anti-oxidants, the following is considered the "Best Fruit skin care" can be applied to the face and body.

1. Lemons for skin care: skin care Lemons

Lemons are one of the most popular home beauty ingredients. Used to clean and refresh your skin and hair, a few lemon slices to soften rough skin areas like elbows and heels. Lemon juice can be added to your favorite cleanser or shampoo to prevent facial dandruff and to integrate and invigorate your scalp.

Known to be very strong air freshener, simply mix a few teaspoons of lemon juice in your bath - it makes you feel fresh throughout the day.
2nd Apple juice for skin care:

Apple juice - a real improvement of wrinkles, inflammation and itching, apples can also be used for coloring and / or therapeutic agent.

After a bath, add a glass of apple juice - this helps to soften and cleanse the skin. It also prevents dandruff, while conditioning the hair, rinse with a glass of apple juice.

3. Cucumber skin care: skin irritation

Cucumber help prevent pimples, blackheads, wrinkles and dry most of the general tone of facial skin.

4. Lime juice for skin care: skin care lime juice

Used as a natural support beautiful skin, often to drink lime juice, this is a gradual effect of years of land and improvement of the skin.

It is also acne. It is known to enhance dull and fat, help control oily skin, improve dry, rough and rejuvenate tired eyes.

5. Orange and green papaya for skin care:

Used a combination of skin care products are the fruits, this is another effective remedy for the treatment of pimples, acne, pimples, boils and places, but the repair of scars and blemishes.

6. Pineapple skin care: skin care Pineapple

Pineapple extended short while softening and cleaning the skin to rejuvenate dull and dry.

7th Guava boiled leaves and mango leaves to skin care:

Both fruits are used primarily as a natural antiseptic, in the case of mango leaves, you can boil before using the remainder for the treatment of infected skin.

8. Banana and avocado for skin care: skin care Avocado

Both of these fruits provide masks homemade effective and inexpensive for the face.

9. Skin fresh juice of apricot and peach for skin care:

Used separately, both fruits are an essential anti-aging fruit and helps to treat burns, itching and rash.

The 10th Resveratrol pour Skin Care:

Difficult to achieve in its purest form, resveratrol is now considered to contain the highest concentration of antioxidants when consumed orally, will help with natural scrub your arteries, whereas if it is used in the ingredients in a collagen facial cream - can provide immediate and rather surprising results.

Resveratrol is found in the renewal and the skin of red grapes and although it is primarily a fruit itself is a natural polyphenol that occurs in food, which is also used as a treatment for anti-inflammatory pain, while showing important qualities as a product of skin care for the aging.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Olive Oil Lip Balm Recipe

Lip balms are always very useful to heal dry and chapped lips. Also lip balms herbal and prevent your lips from the color to help them regain their pink color, and make them soft and beautiful. Lip balms that contain petroleum jelly sold in the market which is unlikely to help your lips. I have a quick recipe for home lip balm made from herbs, which coat the lips with a protective layer of olive oil, also known as the miracle of the oil.

Things you need:

2 ounces butter, olive

1 ½ oz olive oil

1 ½ oz beeswax

1 oz cocoa butter

50-10 drops of Vitamin E

5-10 drops of rosemary oil extract

1-2 teaspoons of ginger and grapefruit essential oil total


It is a very low heat to melt the beeswax. Add the cocoa butter and olive oil and melt it too much. Continue stirring with wooden sticks, the next you can add the olive oil and vitamin E oil to the mixture and heat thoroughly. When it becomes a perfect liquid and mixed to remove the stove and carefully pour into lip balm containers. Then add a few drops of essential oils like rosemary oil, ginger and grapefruit essential is a balm in a container. Your lip balm is ready for use.

Lip Care Tips 2011

Beautiful, delicious lips - this is not just a fad, this is a sign of sexuality, youth, and the correct result lip products for skin care. Of course, the shape and size of the lips are genetically pre-depending on what nature has given, but a competent and appropriate treatment of lip makeup can do wonders. Thought about plastic surgery? Do not rush, there are other ways to increase the size of the lips.

There is a simple way to achieve the effect of full lips and it requires no financial cost to the cosmetics and creams. The most important step in the right lip balms that help maintain the beauty and youthfulness of your lips is the protection, hydration and nutrition of the delicate skin of lips and skin of the lips around them.
When you clean your teeth, rub the lips with a toothbrush - this procedure will help remove old skin cells and increase blood flow, is an easy way to saturate the skin with nutrients.

Do not forget to make nourishing masks lips several times a week. One of the simplest and most effective forms of masks is honey - just to spread honey on the lips and leave overnight. The results will not be waiting for you and your lips are soft and velvety. You could also try the tree quarks simply apply to the lips and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and hygienic to apply lipstick.

Do not forget to moisturize your lips. To do this, try the mask of sour cream, with a few drops of lemon juice and oil. Keep the mask on the lips for 15-20 minutes.

And one more rule - a thin skin, the lips should be protected throughout the year. In winter to protect them from drought, the summer - drying. Always use a lipstick and hygiene. Get rid of the habit of biting her lips, this will lead to cracks and dehydration.
Cosmetic Pencil is another way to describe the lips, give them the desired shape. The key here is not to exaggerate. Strong deviation from the natural pigmentation of the lips will make you look like a clown! Try to go a little out of your mouth, while giving priority to the pen color on your lipstick or a little darker. Your pencil markedly different cache size of your lips.

As for the color of lipstick, choose natural shades lighter. Some makeup artists also recommend the use of various shades of lipstick makeup volume effect. But you must be a true artist: Apply lipstick shade darker in the corners and the bottom lip and tone of light in the middle. If you use a bright color, then choose the one that consists of fluorescent microparticles.

With the right approach to these suggestions for the care of the lips, you get the desired effect and increase the volume of the lips. Good luck

Nail work updates

Ways To Spruce Nails Using A Greedy

Green Toe Nails Color Enter the convenient Avoid hard materials, greedy, easily corroded, and have surfaces that are too rough. Make miser is clean and dry before use. When the nails are white, a few millimeters away from the border of the nail is red, is the right time make beauty nail polish. Avoid cutting nails too short.

Toe nail polish gallery Soak your nails in warm water for 50-10 minutes before he left my nail tips to facilitate the process of spruce. To form the nail to stay awake, to the edge of the nail towards the center horizontally. Thick nails, nails done, for example the edge of the nail towards the center, vertically, or pendicular. Avoid filing nails back and forth.

Do not be in my nails, especially on the corner of the nail. This will cause brittle nails. Avoid filing nails with a quick movement, and eager to gain greater influence. Because it takes a long time, you should do in times pengikiran relaxed or at the end of the week.

How I Trim and Shape My Nails

A few people have asked me how I get my nails the shape they are so I thought I'd put together a picture tutorial to showing how I keep my nails in shape!

I use nail clippers and a glass nail file.
I've heard that you shouldn't use clippers if your nails are hard and strong (like mine) because it can lead to breakages but I've never had this problem.

These are my nails before I start working on them. When they get to a certain length I just have to cut them. I can feel when they get too long because they seem to get in the way constantly and I worry about catching and breaking them. My favourite length is about 2mm past my nail bed.

I start by trimming the length with the clippers. I use this massive pair which allows me to get the whole nail in one snip. I leave them a little longer than I actually want them so there is some excess nail that will get filed off when I start shaping.

I file the edge to the middle, then from the other edge to the middle.
Then I quickly file straight across the whole nail, one edge to the other.

I always aim for a slightly 'Squoval' shape. This means a square shape with slightly rounded edges. I normally work on the corners from underneath the nail.

And here we have the finished product. Short, sweet and squoval, just the way I like them!
