Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stepping Stones

Hello to all my new followers!! Thank you for joining up and entering my giveaway.
The giveaway has boosted my numbers quite a lot  in the past few days and it's so nice nice to have you here and I hope you'll all come back and visit in the future :D

Plate: Bundle Monster - BM10
Base Colour: Revlon ColourStay - Always Romantic (you can win this colour in my giveaway)
Konad Colour: Nails Inc - Victoria
Top Coat of NYC

Nfu Oh 64

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today's B minus zero on the Celebratory Birthday Countdown, so Happy Birthday, RMT!

Today I used a holographic nail polish I haven't shown you before, one from the last Nfu Oh sale.  Nfu Oh 64 is another pink holo, more lilac than Nfu Oh 63 and with a much more pronounced rainbow effect.  For this manicure, I used one coat of Nu Nails, one of Nfu Oh Aqua Base, two coats of Nfu Oh 64, and I finished it with Tout de Suite top coat.  Another difference between Nfu Oh 63 and 64 is that I needed three coats of 63 and only two of 64.  If I had to choose between the two, I'd pick 64.

Earlier this week I mentioned the difficulties in taking a picture of a holo, so I have two for you of this one.  The first one is under bright artificial light that accurately shows the color, and the second I took on the way to the computer under light bulb room light because the rainbow effect showed so well in there.

Nfu Oh 64 Nail Polish Under Bright Artificial Light
Nfu Oh 64 Nail Polish, Two Coats, Under Bright Artificial Light to Show Shade

This picture isn't great but for the fact that it shows the holo really well, so keep that in mind:

Nfu Oh 64 Nail Polish Under Room Artificial Light
Nfu Oh 64 Nail Polish, Two Coats, Under Room Artificial Light to Show Holo

So Nfu Oh 64 is the official Birthday Holo for my friend RMT.  Truthfully, I've been having so much fun wearing holographic nail polish this week, I think I'm going to keep it up for the rest of the week.  I kind of decided to do that in honor of my mom - today is also the second anniversary of her death, and she would approve of making a week long celebration out of anything.  Her birthday is July 31, and she treated the entire month of July as a celebration, so it would make her happy to know I celebrated a birthday for a whole week!

That's the update for today, Dear Reader.  Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!  

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

♪♫ When I was 17...

I had wrists like steel. And I felt compleeeete ♫
Sorry, I just love that song

Plate: BM16
Base Colour: Ulta3 - Gooseberry
Plus: One coat of BYS - 38 Tinkerbell
Konad Colour: Miss Sporty - Zodiac

Nfu Oh 63 & Konad M80

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today is B minus one in the celebratory holo countdown, and today's holographic nail polish is Nfu Oh 63, the pink one.  I used artificial light for today's picture, but have shown this one to you before in sunlight, where the holo effect is more pronounced.

For today's manicure, I used one coat of Nu Nails and one coat of Nfu Oh Aqua Base as a foundation.  I still needed three coats of Nfu Oh 63 for complete and even coverage, but since the dry time on the Nfu Oh holos is super fast that wasn't a big deal.  I finished it with Diamont, let it dry, then stamped it with a pattern from Konad plate M80 using Konad Black Pearl Special Polish, then sealed with another coat of Diamont.  Here it is dry.

Nfu Oh 63 Nail Polish & Konad M80
Nfu Oh 63 Nail Polish, Three Coats, & Konad M80 in Konad Black Pearl

That's what I have for you today, Dear Reader.  Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!  

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fields of Pink

Has anyone had any trouble with their Bundle Monster plates where the design just doesn't transfer onto the stamp. I know this happens with Konads and you are supposed to lightly file the stamper but I tried that and I think it's because the designs aren't engraved 'deep' enough into the metal. I'm wondering whether to contact Bundle Monster about it to see if I can get my duds switched.

Plate: Bundle Monster - BM16
Base Colour: BYS - 201 Tickle Me Pink
Plus: One coat of BYS - 38 Tinkerbell
Stamp Colour: BYS - 14 Glamourpuss
Top Coat of NYC

Check it out...
My university was featured on Today's Big Thing a few days ago. I don't know how widely known this site is or if any of you know it. I like to check it every few days - some of the videos are really funny.
Anyway, it's just a quick video of someone interrupting a lecture in a very bizarre way. And it's the hall where I had all my Maths lectures this year!

Sally Hansen Magicals Ruby Slipper

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today the holo countdown continues with Sally Hansen Magicals Ruby Slipper.  It's a pink red holo, one of the long discontinued Magicals line.  This is another where I ask myself why Sally Hansen discontinues all the cool stuff!  I was lucky and got a big lot of these on ebay for a completely reasonable price a while back.

For the manicure, I used one coat of Nu Nails, one coat of Nfu Oh Aqua Base, two of Ruby Slipper, and SpaRitual Toute de Suite top coat.  One coat of Ruby Slipper was almost enough - that Aqua Base really makes a marked difference in how holos apply.  Here it is in the sun.

Sally Hansen Magicals Ruby Slipper
Sally Hansen Magicals Ruby Slipper Nail Polish, Two Coats

Today is B minus 2 for my friend's holo birthday countdown, so I'll have another holographic nail polish to show you tomorrow.  Until then, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!  

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tinkerbell? More like TinkerSWELL

I discovered a very interesting effect yesterday when I was painting my nails. I didn't have time for a konadicure but I didn't want 'plain' nails so I decided to add a coat of BYS Tinkerbell on top of the black polish I was wearing.

Now, this polish looks like creamy pink glitter, and on its own, it is, so I was expecting it to add a very subtle light pink shimmer. But when it was on, it made the black look like a diesel blue with shimmer. And I LOVED IT. So if they have it in stock next time I go to my BYS shop, I will add a bottle to my giveaway.

So here is today's konadicure. I went with the Tinkerbell again, this time over navy blue - to get a steely blue result.

Konad Plate: BM20
Base Colour: Barbara Daly Make Up - Tattoo
Shimmer: BYS - 38 Tinkerbell
Konad Colour: W7 - Black
Top Coat of NYC

Diamond Cosmetics Chainmail Charm

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I have a friend who's a big holo fan with a birthday this week, so I thought I'd do a holo countdown to celebrate (I love celebrating birthdays!).  I'm starting with Diamond Cosmetics Chainmail Charm, a charcoal base with multicolored holographic bits.  Unfortunately, I forgot to use Nfu Oh Aqua Base with this one, so its true potential has yet to be seen.

Chainmail Charm applied well and is a two-coater for me. I took the picture in natural light, but one of the hard parts about holos and glitters is that when the camera gets clear focus, the real reflective properties of the polish fade.  In this picture, my index finger and thumb are not in focus and are a true reflection of what Chainmail Charm looks like.  The polish is unusually smooth and glossy.

Diamond Cosmetics Chainmail Charm
Diamond Cosmetics Chainmail Charm Nail Polish, Two Coats

Today is B minus three on the countdown.  I'll have more celebratory holos for you this week, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!  

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Giveaway - My favourite things - NOW CLOSED

I was originally going to do a giveaway at 50 followers, but that came and went really quickly and I didn't have anything to give away. Then I was going to wait for 75 followers or 100 blog posts, but I'm just too excited. So here it is...

My first giveaway. And it's very exciting, for me at least. And I hope you all like the stuff that's up for grabs. The theme is My Favourite Things because this is my ideal giveaway and I want to keep all of this stuff for myself!

The Rules:
1. You must be a follower.

And that's it.
To be entered just leave a comment and be sure to include your google friend connect name and email address.

Hit the jump to see what's up for grabs and how you can earn easy extra entries.

Extra Entries
  • Anyone who was following me before the giveaway is posted will automatically get 1 extra entry on entering the giveaway.
  • For 1 extra entry, let me know what British chocolate/sweets/candy you would like to try (if you're an international entrant). For people from the UK, just let me know your favourite.
  • For 2 extra entries, add me to your blog roll.
  • For 2 extra entries, post this giveaway anywhere on your blog with this picture.
  • For 3 extra entries, mention this giveaway in a blog post, using this picture (4 entries if the post is entirely dedicated to my giveaway)
Let me know which ones you do and leave a link for me to verify.

The Goodies


Glittering Purple - See it stamped here
Mosaic Plum - I had a colour very similar to this one but it broke :(
Metallic Fuschia - Not really metallic, but a nice colour, see it here
Lilac Bliss -  See it stamped in Ice Ice Baby

Sally Hansen

Vital Violet
Sacred Scarlet
Wholesome Earth


LA Colours - Berry Red
Revlon ColourStay -  450 Always Romantic (see it here)
Miss Sporty - 120 (No name, but it's a light, sparkly lavender)
MUA - Shade 9
Carla di Roma - Bright Green

Star Eyes - 2 Pairs of false eyelashes. Modelled below by yours truly.

I love false eyelashes and wear them everyday if I have the time and patience to put them on. These ones are good for every day wear as they don't look too heavy. 

Plus, whichever sweets the winner requests and some of my favourites too.

The giveaway is International.
It closes at midnight on July 31st.
The winner will be chosen using
Good luck.


Good news first...

I have been blogging alllll morning trying to get the post ready for....


Yep. It will be up tonight and I hope you will all enter and tell all your friends!!
So I hope that will make up for the fact that there may not be a konadicure. If I have time between now and when my friends get here, I will get a new one up. But I can't guarantee anything.

Cherry On Top Award

Rules of this award are:

1. Thank the person who gave this award to you.
Thank you Kathy and Dionela

2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.

3. List 3 things you love about yourself.
I always surprise myself with what I am able to do.
In University this year, I had to do a Maths and Stats module. For example - I haven't done maths since I was 16, and I had to drop it in my first year of A-Levels because it was too hard. But I managed to pull it off this year and it ended up becoming one of my favourite topics.

I'm creative.
A lot of people were shocked when they found out it was my ambition to become an Accountant. Everyone expected me to pursue Photography. To be honest, so did I until I found out I could get in to a good businees school with my qualifications in Photography, Media Studies and IT.

I'm really independent and always have been.
I try really hard never to be too dependent on anyone and I'm not afraid to do anything on my own (but I draw the line at eating in restaurants and going to the cinema). I have friends who won't do much by themselves and it really limits you in life.

4. Post a picture you love.

I took this picture as part of my work for A-Level Photography. I should've got an A, but my teacher didn't like me. ARGH.

Thanks again Kathy and Dionela. I love this award. It was fun to do and I love reading other peoples'. I feel like I know everyone that little bit better once I have seen their answers.

I tag:

Diamond Cosmetics Metallic Blue & Bundle Monster BM10

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I woke up early this morning and felt like doing my nails while I had coffee, so I did - Black Ice didn't last long!  I used a Diamond Cosmetics polish, Metallic Blue, from a recent DC order.  I ordered quite a few, and I saw the package on the porch as I was on my way out a couple of weeks ago, so I got it and put it somewhere "safe" until I got home.  I finally found "safe" on about the third try since then this morning (it turns out the corner of my kitchen pantry is a safe place for nail polish!), and I went through the box to even remind myself what I'd ordered.

It turns out I did well - it's so hard to tell from Diamond Cosmetics' site, but I got some really gorgeous ones (at $2.25 a pop, I'm willing to roll the dice..).  I went with Metallic Blue first because I have not worn a blue in a while and I'm a little burnt out on Summer shades at the moment.  Metallic Blue is good in two coats, but had a little trick to application - it's a bit thick and tried to leave bubbles as I applied it (just one or two per nail).  The bubbles appeared immediately, so after covering a nail I just swiped any bubbles with the brush, and it dried with no issues.  That's just something to be on the lookout for if you try this one.  Here's Metallic Blue alone, a dry manicure.

Diamond Cosmetics Metallic Blue
Diamond Cosmetics Metallic Blue Nail Polish, Two Coats

That just cries out to me for some silver Konad, so that's exactly what I did.  I had another plan in mind when I sat down to stamp, but ran into plate BM10 and tried out a pattern I've been eying for a while.  It's a full nail pattern, clearly both shorter and narrower than my nails, so what I did was double stamp it sideways, and it worked out great.  For the stamping, I used Orly Shine.

Diamond Cosmetics Metallic Blue and Bundle Monster BM10 Stamped in Orly Shine

That's my Nails of the Day, and I like it.

I also had some news to share with you that I'm really excited about - I've been invited to design a nail stamping plate.  We don't expect to see them produced until early next year, and the other details of the project are private for now, but I was told that I could let you know that's something in the works.  As I get a green light to give you more information, I will, but I was too excited about it to keep the fact that's it's begun to myself for six months!

That's the update for now, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!  

Friday, June 25, 2010

♪♫ Would you risk it for a chocolate biscuit?

The title's not relevant but I was just listening to the Tinie Tempah song and I can't get that line out of my head.

Konad Plate: M64
Base Colour: BYS - 81 Blue Dance
Konad Colour: NYC Glossies - 243B
Top Coat of NYC

P.S I made cookies yesterday from a new book I found - 1 Dough, 50 Cookies. All the recipes look really tasty and easy so if you are a cookie/baking fan, I would recommend it.

I know, I know. It doesn't look that appetising, but they are sooo moreish.

Oh, and the title has just become relevant! Haha.

Jessica Black Ice

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

I finally got around to doing my nails, and though I'd show you my Nails of the Day, which is Jessica Black Ice.  Black Ice is a black jelly with fine silver glitter, and it took four coats to be totally opaque and even.  However, the dry time seems to be good, and the up side is that the glitter is very dense and shows well.  I thought this was just another black with silver glitter, which I'm always drawn to, but it's one of the nicer ones I have.

Jessica Black Ice
Jessica Black Ice Nail Polish, Four Coats

That's all for today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!  

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Starry Evening

Plate: BM21
Base Colour: Jay Jays - Thrillseeker
Stamp Colour: China Glaze - Adore
Top Coat of NYC

Pink and Swirly

This is one from aaages ago. I just found it as a draft that I obviously forgot to publish.

Plate: BM20
Base Colour: Glo Baby Glo from Primark - The Purple One
Konad Colour: Sally Hansen Chrome - 04 Garnet
Top Coat of Beauty UK (Reluctantly)

China Glaze Vintage Vixen Swatches, Part II

Good morning, Dear Reader!

As promised, I have swatches of the other half of China Glaze's Vintage Vixen Collection for you this morning (manufacturer samples).  These were again three coats in artificial light.  A few could have used a fourth coat, but I wanted to be consistent.

Swing Baby is a great champagne shimmer, but I can still see through it after three coats.  It would need a fourth.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Swing Baby
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Swing Baby Nail Polish, Three Coats

Hey, Doll is a light reddish brown shimmer, good in three coats.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Hey, Doll
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Hey, Doll Nail Polish, Three Coats

Bogie is a really interesting eggplant purple shimmer, good in three coats.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Bogie
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Bogie Nail Polish, Three Coats

Midnight Mission is a great shade of blue with silver microglitter, and was good in three coats but for one bald patch I didn't notice until I was selecting pictures.  Had I seen it when taking pictures, I could have fixed just the one spot.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Midnight Mission
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Midnight Mission Nail Polish, Three Coats

Emerald Fitzgerald is a very nice dark green shimmer.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Emerald Fitzgerald
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Emerald Fitzgerald Nail Polish, Three Coats

First Class Ticket is a dark bluish purple, and the one I'm wearing.  The picture is before top coat.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: First Class Ticket
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: First Class Ticket Nail Polish, Three Coats

That's the end of China Glaze's Vintage Vixen Collection.  I told you there wasn't a bad one in the bunch!  I still think some are better than others, but they'll all get used by me.

That's all for today, Dear Reader.  Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!  

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Leafy Green

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. My family is away on holiday and I have the house to myself so it's been very busy around here ;)

Plate: Bundle Monster BM19
Base Colour: BYS Metallic Green
Stamp Colour: NYC Glossies - 243B
Top Coat of NYC

China Glaze Vintage Vixen Swatches, Part I

Good morning, Dear Reader!

The mystery package I mentioned yesterday turned out to be samples of China Glaze's Vintage Vixen Collection from the manufacturer, and I have swatches of half of them for you this morning.  The collection consists of 12 shimmers (or microglitters), and there's not a bad color in the bunch.  Some are better than others, but none elicits the ol' "What were they thinking?" question.

Today's swatches are under artificial light, and are just some six - I took two of the three pack boxes and swatched.  Each required three thin coats to be opaque and even, but the dry time on the one I'm wearing is above average.  There were no changes in the brush or bottle to mention - they're what you've come to expect.  Application was good and I found the polish easy to control.

Classic Camel is just that - a classic camel shade with a good shimmer.  Unfortunately, it's not a great color on me - it makes my hands look pink.  However, it's the same color as my favorite winter coat, so I'll still be wearing it.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Classic Camel
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Classic Camel Nail Polish, Three Coats

Ingrid is a kind of muted brown with gold shimmer.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Ingrid
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Ingrid Nail Polish, Three Coats

Going My Way? is a shimmer the shade of a chocolate Labrador Retriever.  This one was a little brushstrokey on me.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Goin' My Way?
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Goin' My Way? Nail Polish, Three Coats

Jitterbug is a silver shimmer with microglitter.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Jitterbug
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Jitterbug Nail Polish, Three Coats

Foxy is a great rusty red shimmer.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Foxy
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Foxy Nail Polish, Three Coats

Riveter Rouge is the one I chose to wear, although the picture is before top coat.  It's a deep red with silver microglitter.

China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Riveter Rouge
China Glaze Vintage Vixen: Riveter Rouge Nail Polish, Three Coats

That's the first half of the China Glaze Vintage Vixen swatches, and I'll have Part II for you tomorrow.  Until then, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!  

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nubar Venetian Glass Collection

Good morning, Dear Reader!

The manicure I had planned for today was thwarted yesterday when samples of Nubar's Venetian Glass Collection for Fall 2010 came from the manufacturer yesterday.  I wanted to swatch them right away despite the fact that I didn't have enough natural light for pictures, so I used artificial light.

The collection is eight colors, all opaque glass flecked polishes, with five kind of leaves-changing-color shades and three that are just really cool.  I was excited about opaque glass flecked polished, since most glass flecked are pretty sheer on me.  I did two coats for all, I think one or two might have been better with a third.

Oro is a yellow gold, with an almost foily finish.

Nubar Oro
Nubar Oro Nail Polish, Two Coats

Caramello is a browner golden shade, also almost a foil.

Nubar Caramello
Nubar Caramello Nail Polish, Two Coats

Bronzo is a coppery bronze.

Nubar Bronzo
Nubar Bronzo Nail Polish, Two Coats

Arencia is a Fall orange.

Nubar Arencia
Nubar Arencia Nail Polish, Two Coats

Rosso is a pink red, and sorry about the sloppy swatch on this one.  I wear out doing eight!

Nubar Rosso
Nubar Rosso Nail Polish, Two Coats

Those were the five I think of as fall leafy colors.  The other three are my favorites, I think.

Vino is a great burgundy.

Nubar Vino
Nubar Vino Nail Polish, Two Coats

Vaso is a great light purple glass fleck.

Nubar Vaso
Nubar Vaso Nail Polish, Two Coats

This last one is a complete manicure with top coat.  Verde is a deep green with visible green, blue, and gold flecks.

Nubar Verde
Nubar Verde Nail Polish, Two Coats

That's Nubar's Venetian Glass Collection for Fall 2010, available June 30.

I should have more swatches for you this week, too - notice for another mystery package was left when no one was around to sign for it.

That's the scoop for today, Dear Reader.  Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!